Thursday, 13 October 2022

If only

If only we can see the future to avoid making mistakes
If only we can always stay mature and be humble when others rile our spirit for the part that takes.

If only we can all get along, yet personalities clash
If only people are more patient, rather than fire fighting in a dash.

If only we all say our prayers in a world identified as broken 
If only we didn’t fall out with others, when love is there to mend a cross
That’s why the messiah died for us to avoid us going through a loss.

Yet with God I feel so much better
Praying for forgiveness, even when I’ve done nothing wrong gives me hope
And hope is key to stop saying that word “that’s the problem” when we have a solution to find
The Father is our cornerstone, for he always humbles our heart to makes us feel WORTHY and kind.

14th October 2022

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