Monday, 10 October 2022

Closer than you think❤️

Thank you lord…
I speak to my children now,
Tell them I will always love them 
Pave the sky above the starts at night,
A protection humbling them…. So so bright.

Please tell them my hand is here
As I am not far from my loves,
Praying and staying blessed 
For you are my peacekeeper, protector and king 
You are the anchor from this story i bring.

Di, Hadassa and Dickson… never forget “I love you”
You are mine and always shall be,
Keep saying your prayers to the Father each second you can,
Humbleness to him, and prayers of joy 
I glorify you, 
from all the goodness that you wonderfully do….

So as I put this blanket over you, to keep you warm
I know myself not being there could feel like a storm.
Yet my love is great through the Father’s free will,
And that love, kindness and hope is  sharesd… 
and nothing else is removed from God’s unrequited stare.

11th October 2022 

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