Sunday, 9 October 2022

Common gifts

We all think we are the one’s who sussed it out
Well it’s credit to the gracious one held up high,
He is your hope, your perennial love
The one with all the answers which brings perfection
His son most high, the ONE who prevents any defection.

You are his creation
Remember that, that logical understanding 
NOT this sign of pride to override a stain?
Let God deal with it through prayer, he is the one who shall attain.

The brilliance he provides to make you manage 
Surrendering to him means you have confessed, 
During this time of speed and chaos 
Leave in the Father’s hand, remember that time you were once unknowingly lost .

God you are amazing 
Thank you for your gifts and your patience,
And the other gifts you are providing for me,
I can’t do this on my own, which there is no shame confessing that, where once I was blind and now no longer tame.

9th October 2022

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