Tuesday, 25 October 2022

Steady the ship

 All it takes is patience
but patience is something we lack these days, 
everything fast to accommodate others, 
perspective lost in the ether and hard to find
Ask for God's help, so we are no longer blind. 

Chill, relax.. even at work... and learning new skills
be strong with focus in the love of God, 
the benchmark of our aims, and the one who embraces the calmness and place
the greatest example who instills patience and not that devilish trait... haste.

Take a break, 
Bullies shall always be put in their place, 
may not be now, or later.. but they will answer to our sovereign King,
he has more humility in his tiny finger and deflects your sting. 

Love is love 
strength is joy, 
Patience is a skill worth learning
love to peace, balance and steadying the ship
with a little patience, we shall all ride this storm and get a grip. 

25th October 2022

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