Monday, 17 October 2022

Remember when God said....

God said 'love' I'll shall take the pain away'
I say in the past: "you can't do anything about it..." 
yet the Father has it to hand, 
persecution from others will always be around 
free will from man, my feet are staying on the ground. 

I love you. he will constant remind,
he would make you reflect with beauty, become humble and kind. 
"I don't deserve you." and many ways you are right
yet God makes us feel deserving, from darkness into light.

You are brilliant, despite that Monday feeling
I am struggling to concentrate, but if you allow, God is now dealing. 

I am organise, quick, loving and open with my words, 
yes, they are disagreeable, yet thought provoking you can teach and disturb. 

I remember the time I want to hurt myself... because others provoked, where the y blind cannot see. 
I owe the Father so much, especially when I felt there was no more hope. 
Self-righteous fights are removing themselves away, 
God loves you impeccably, as long as you follow his way.

17th October 2022

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