Monday, 31 October 2022

Feeling Blessed

You can only receive this beautiful feeling from the holy spirit
The conqueror of all things just, 
We live at times where something needs to happen, where there is a hopeful MUST.

It's said in the book these times will occur
this isn't fiction, but the spirit protects, and it's not a blur. 
The truth is there, you can sense these are hostile times
people are wandering without faith, petrified in fact
little do they know they are receiving a blessed prayer, to be exact.

People can show the capacity of good
no negative issues need to be relayed, 
where there are those who call themselves realists, they bring a negative tang to the chat
because they can't see the good news from anything, which I rather hit back with a bat. 

Stay blessed, feel the prayer
it's free, hopeful, kind and insightful. 
The 'nay' sayers have no place in your life, 
despite the realist tag they hold, the outcome they perceive is strife. 

31st October 2022

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