Monday, 3 October 2022

Every once in a while….

I miss you Yiayia
You were my entire world.
Apart from God breathing air in my lungs, and bringing me life
I know you are there, hoovering like an Angel
I was once a child in a heavenly cradle.

I love you so so much
It’s been 28 years since you depart,
Your humbleness, your smile, the time you had for us lasted for a long, long while.

When the world feels it’s on the attack
I think of you, where you have never slacked.

A believer of God
You always gave a humble beautiful hug;
where I felt so much love, when others refused
Miss you my Yiayia, if I had to live my life all over again, it’s through God in you, whom I shall choose.

“Missing you Yiayia daily, yet this poetry is a gift from God.”

3rd October 2022

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