Thursday, 31 December 2020

Boldness of prayer

When all fails 
We say “ why not, nothing else has worked.”
The hope of protection from the Father 
will refuse you going berserk. 

The words of prayer 
Have their prevalent say,
Holding yourself together 
Makes you want to be pray full and refute the negativity to go away.

The blessing from the Father
That’s the truth said from the heart,
The humbleness from the spiritual path
Gives you hope from the start.

Here is my hand
Here is the hope 
Become hopeful and be kind to thee
Through a poem, we will constantly see.

2020... vision

Good bye this year
Something to view and plenty to fear,
Goodbye to 2020
We often associated in  attached to vision 
The new year beckons, a better time and less of a mission.

I pray you all have a great year ahead
This year 2020 could now go to bed,
The past will be remembered 
But this new page will now turn
Simplicity needs to be installed 
Many have gained, and many have called.

Remember those we have lost
Remember the highlights we’ve seen 
This has caused unforeseen nightmare 
This is the end of a horrible dream.

Things will be different 
They have to be..
When moving forward 
Then change will remove the negativity from the past 
As this situation shall never outlast. 

“Happy new year to you all in 2021.... it’s been emotional” xxx

Monday, 28 December 2020

Running and prayers

A quest to run is a challenge quest
Try it through saying prayers from your heart
Yes, there is panting and darkest cloud
But your faith in God grows as you totally believe.

The run goes deeper
Every prayer has a great worth,
Saying it from the heart counts
The spirit with love has an almighty mount.

God is beautiful
God is so great 
I pray for each person that I pass,
As the panting breathe I know won’t forever last.

I reach my goal and I know there is more to come
Where there is prayer, the Father is right in front
The story of brokenness, lies and deceit 
Yet it’s the running with my prayers is a never ending feat.
“My run each more, before I start anything.”
28th December 2020

Living with Diabetes (poem from a type 1 Diabetic)

Do you know what a hypo feels?
People trying to tell me how to manage my condition
Appreciate the free advice that’s for sure?
But having a hypo is a clear burden at anytime
They come unexpectedly and are healed with patience and time.

“It’s easy” that’s what plastic doctors say
Yet it’s the highs and lows you need to deal with at stressful times 
Patience, a good temperament, faith and guile
You’ll get out of these difficult situations which may take a while.

You need faith, Gods love and abundance of belief 
Keep moving forward and start to learn
Incorporate exercise with lots of prayers
Kindness to move forward as life shall always be there.

I pray for one day this condition to finally rid
But others thinking they understand the ‘feeling’ of this diabetes feeling 
May the heavens restore my hormone pancreas release  
No one can say they know the feeling of a low or high,
Not forgetting the calculation before the food is laid 
God bless you if you understand from this these simple words relayed.

My story

There are stories which obviously start your quest
Some people have good parents,
Some get indifferent ones that align to a child
There challenges don’t imbue and cause the situation to become wild.

What do I mean? as these words are then released
You look to a parent to give you hope
Yet it’s Gods calling that stops you dangling from a rope.

You haven’t been in my shoes for an hour or even a second 
It’s the calling from God you need to hear 
And embrace to reckoning we need to fear.

I am not calling people names
I just want them to see the light,
Gods has your want to go to go with him
Heaven above, refutes us going to sin.

“The Lords words to me. Keep praying”
28th December 2020

Turning to 2021

The year has been challenging
At the very least
People struggles continues 
Tamed by an invisible beast.

The past needs to be left
We need to keep moving forward
The new year needs to be better
Like writing news on a positive letter.

Remove the politics 
Stop saying “that’s the problem”
Have an answer and then start to laugh
Some like being miserable and be at the end of a wrath.

The time will hit midnight 
God calls you to come to his heart,
Believe in the passion the Goodness brings 
The devils attack shall be nullified from where the Angel’s sing.

When faith drives you

Judging is daring
Especially when others are down,
Yes you need the strength to get up
But don’t make that person want to feel to drown.

Faith is the way
I believe that every single day,
Actually every single second, as a matter of fact
The powerful encouragement from the Father is where it’s at.

The faith is all powerful and humbling
It does not negate other people’s souls,
Their are trouble makers in the mist,
Follow the Lord, he has the gist.

You hope
You have feelings 
You regard the Lord in the sky
When I cry for happiness 
It’s the quest from him that shan’t make any of us to lie.

“Believe in him, all will be revealed”
28th December 2020

Sunday, 27 December 2020

Pray for those who struggle

A tear leaks from my tired eye
The devil attacks, and with that; comes lies.

The tension is high
And hope faces an almighty challenge, 
Others getting to you through the devils attack
Do not worry as the Lord has your back.

We are all fractured 
Believe that or not,
God turns the weak strong 
Where there is the Fathers hold, from there won’t face the devils scold.

Pray for those who lack Faith in the Father
I feel comfort through the prayer 
And from that at least the protection we unitedly share. 

“A pray for those who question Faith in the Father.”
27th December 2020 

Saturday, 26 December 2020

You make me smile ❤️❤️

When I see your face 
My heart reaps with joy, 
yes, I am a little distant at times
But the day we rejoice will feel like a harmony to prolong.

Our time will come 
Said time and time again, 
May we be blessed with God and his almighty words
And the love of God released from your paws
And hope of getting close is divine, and yours..

Be at peace with me 
Our journey awaits 
The love of God holds us together 
Passage we duly await with open arms
It’s the grace and mercy of God leads to a charm.

Brokenness, hurt but forgiveness we show
Words written not everyone agree
Yet the grace of God we always set us free. 

“Life to Divine... xx Jason”

Jeremiah.. our king

For Jeremiah is blessed
And his spirit reigns high, 
passionate for the Lord 
From where others shall joyfully cry.

Jeremiah, the word means “means to see through”
A little champion who fight never ends 
His joyful grin and beautiful face
Makes us want to endure a time and place.

Birthday wishes our little solider friend 
A beautiful child 
So often lifts our spirits to the skies
A blessing from the Father, from where our hearts shall beautifully vie.

Embrace the Father
His heart will beat a exhaustive sign of love,
From where there is the Father 
Jeremiah’s calling shall keep us very strong
Happy birthday buddy for the cheers shall continue to prolong.. 

“Happy birthday Jeremiah. Lots of love Jason xxx”
26th December 2020

Friday, 25 December 2020

Our hands together ❤️πŸ™πŸ½

We are together 
And we pray for you,
Taking a step further, 
through learning the humbleness of God
That’s where we enchant the good news from his almighty nod.

Pursue the spirit 
The spirit is clearly there,
Hold our hands together 
For we shall love and show his love is there.

Our first Christmas together 
Divided from two parts into one,
This day our hearts celebrating the joy of Christ
And joy of love,
One light is shining as the Lord shows the way 
We rejoice you as the birth of the King ascends 
From the hope that he’ll brings and worthy to depend.

Let’s open our hearts 
And show the encouragement he brings 
The light that saves us, bringing us hope
Where there is Jesus, there is our hands 
Praying and rejoicing through the goodness he stands .  

“Merry Christmas 
Love Jason and Divine x ❤️πŸ™πŸ½“

Thursday, 24 December 2020

Love wins

Love wins, evil is removed 
No place to embrace hate,
Love defeats it’s enemy, evil
With calmness and still
We shall reach the top of the humble hill.

I land my pen on this paper 
As God speaks the message, plain and simple
“Pray for your enemy when you look for peace”
Your forgiveness removes 
The Devil’s cardinal means the least.

The words flow
His love reigns,
Perspective is humble and key 
You will lighten up and lead yourself to become free.

Goodness always humbles 
The birth of the saviour has arrived,
Close your eyes and pray for peace during these times and hold onto hope.
Try to remove yourself from negative criticism; caused a harmful stare
As overwhelming tones can lead to a continued glare.

Peace, hopes and joy... a great counsellor that came to save the day,
Calling to spread the word of love and show us the lead of  the light
And yours to embrace to show us all to defeat the defeats worthless fight. 

Healthy Festivities.

Health received a new challenge to face

Yet with spirit we have managed to keep with the pace,

Many have been victims to the cause of this dread, 

we look to the skies as the heavens embed. 

may the love of God hold in your hearts

Continuing to pray each and every day, 

The light of the word shall have its say.

Be kind to your spirit and be kind to your health needs

We look to hope when these times hit us hard, 

through guile, community and spirited vibe

the only way forward through a harmonious tide. 

Be at peace with God

be at peace with your faith, 

Healthy discussion to lead to healthy debate

working towards a goal to manage our health state. 

Love for peace and love to remain kind

love wins over the attacks received,

There is love for our NHS, from which we believe. 

Jason Andrews

"24th December 2020

Have a beautiful Christmas everyone."

Tuesday, 22 December 2020

Festive love

A thought for all at Christmas
The birth of the King has arrived,
We see the joy of his birth
His love for you, is the goodness for what it’s worth.

No politics...
Just joy... to see others smile
And a thought for others facing harder times,
Try to help
As goodness shall come with this poetic rhyme.

Love of God and all mankind 
The helping of others are worthy to your feelings to self give
Humbleness in Christ the King is where we humbleness live.

The presence of hope 
When a saviour is born,
You are loved by the birth of his arrival, 
Merry Christmas beautiful people I say from the heart
The celebration of Jesus’s birth never departs.  

“Amen x ❤️πŸ™πŸ½“
J x

Sunday, 20 December 2020

Picture... and worth it...

Blessed with love
And sometimes for a tarnished past,
One thing for certain nothing ever lasts.

Bad things happen to Good people
Somethings are out of your control
Despite worthy intentions 
Patience is challenged and leads to a stow.

Intelligence becomes your enemy
Where faith needs to replace that trait,
Put your hands together and pray
Your hopes will eventually arrive as calmness  shall stay.

Avoid gossip
That causes danger and possible confrontation,
The harm caused, clearly is never good
From where their is a beginning in God; 
that is the prayer we end up.. and eventually should x x 

Saturday, 19 December 2020

You never leave us

When all comes short
You see life through
You are your champion 
You are the reason you imbue.

Defeat never a option
A smile is never to face
You hold my waist, the perennial embrace.

I love my life and my world
I love my God so much 
I shall never lose focus 
And I shall never lose touch.

I want the world to fight through this 
Difficult when negativity surrounds
There are words of protection 
And humbleness that mounds. 

You see the light... when it fades

You cannot leave reality 
You cannot lose the love of faith 
You cannot control others when they are strong 
You lead to where we eventuality belong.

The light is there
Believe it, it’s the truth,
Focus when eyes are closing 
Never lose hope when you feel life is refusing.

God has hope 
And God has your back,
Believe it or not humbleness is there
There are angels surrounding, because they care.

Praise and love of faith
Are directions we never touch 
When love is powerful and so... so held 
This time of year we refuse to felled.

Friday, 18 December 2020

When hope arrives

Never have we seen a year like this
A year of pause 
Delivered from a harmful cause.

If we pray
We could never leave, 
It’s due to the fact 
There is hope, and you shall receive.

The season of entire change 
We could never believe the times that came ahead,
People we have lost and cannot hold close
and there are those who survived the most.

We are moving forward 
We need to do this, as others lost would want us to continue to go on;
There is hope with prayer through the frosty glass we stare
Hope through praying, as we shall pull through this unknowing glare.

Everyday we are blessed

Everyday we are blessed
Praying and hoping 
Looking towards a beautiful zest.

Praying for calm
Praying for the light from peace 
And, praying for all to be ok
And humbleness to steer goodness our way.

Being responsible at times where there is speed,
Calming the down vigorous pace 
Reduce the velocity we don’t always need to constantly face.

Remaining humble 
Remaining bright
Focus on God and his story 
Staying blessed, through his perennial glory.

Never lose hope 
Be patient, yes? Be still
The release of the Father in your heart.
Glory to his kingdom,
He loves you, that shan’t part πŸ™πŸ½❤️

Sunday, 13 December 2020

Can’t change anything

You can’t change anything out of your control,
Turn a negative into a positive 
As these times shall eventually go.

We’ve encountered speed from machines 
Questions also about God,
Yet he is the cornerstone to remove the devils kill
Your humility is forever surreal. 

Be blessed with his love 
Pray more, especially as times have changed
It’s a mental togetherness, refute anything to make you feel deranged.

Be nice to others 
Take your time when things become alight, 
You are loved by the Father in heaven 
Who looks at your openness, as well as broad minded flight.

“A message for me as well as for you”
13th December 2020 x 

Defeating a gloomy day

The Weather is pretty naff outside,
Walking to manage headspace and feel alight 
I don’t need to be frustrated 
This poem shall cheer your sight.

A day at a time 
Nothing lasts forever,
Keep looking forward and try,
Even if you fail to do so, raise a smile
A better antidote, that lasts a while. 

A year to forget
A year which has brought massive change,
Praying to the heavens for things to go back to the ways things were once in the past,
This new normal will change again... that won’t ever last.

We are resolute 
Striving to keep trying,
Yes, there are times you question it all?
Keep moving forward 
Rather than building yourself a brick wall.

Yes, it’s been strange
To say in the least?
Remember to keeping praying 
This isn’t a repeatable message, as motivation needs to keep on staying... πŸ™πŸ½❤️X

Love my wife

I love my wife
Divine is her name
I prayed for this beautiful soul
Especially when god answered this leap of faith
Moving forward, defeating the devils wrath.

Love this lady
I’ll hold her with stunning light;
Humble, beautiful and my desire
My heart booming so much 
I am blessed with her humility and glorious touch.

God holds us close
The one who pairs the people he feels,
My love for my wife is the cornerstone which is surreal.

“Love you Divine my saviour”
Love your hubby Jason 
13th December 2020 x πŸ™πŸ½❤️

Thursday, 10 December 2020

If you worryπŸ€”

So worrying helps??? 😧
Or is that proaction that turns wrong into right?
People worrying all over the world;
If that energy is converted into some viewed
You shall enhance an element fluently imbued.

I see worry all the time
It’s a strain on others soul,
You can’t do anything, and nothing you say makes that person feel better..
Sit down and write, and put your thoughts onto a letter.

I release with poetry
God provides me with this gift;
Protection from others who do not know where to turn 
Humbleness of kindness; refutes you to receive a burn.

I love you, lover, sister, brother, friend, father and mother too
I pray for you each single day,
You have gifts which God relayed your way. 

I love you
I may or may not know you, but I am here
Loving the Father of true hope
With him you shall never need to hang onto a frayed rope.

“God bless you all” Jas x πŸ™πŸ½❤️
10th December 2020

Leave it in his hands

Then you will receive, 
May not be today, or tomorrow,
One thing to discern, there be no sorrow.

I pray each day
God is the real deal,
Pray with all your heart and soul
Refuse the negativity fallen into the mist
He is always there... working through everyone’s list.

Don’t take my word
When all fails, turn to the Father,
He is the start and the end 
A beautiful spirit I prefer to depend.

Nothing is straight forward 
And yes nothing is easy. We can accept when all things are going right
Slate, anger and hurt never wins 
A prayer to the Lord is the victor; over sin....


Haste before speed,
Easier said than done
We have machines, to make us act quickly
People are rushing, and speed has become prickly.

The chaos is evident 
No patience, especially from where I stand,
Am I being rude? Where the impact will evidently land.

There’s peace in silence 
There is hope, with abundance to gain,
Why the speed of life has hit us
Where I prefer to stay still , rather than get hit by a bus.

There’s no fire without water
No stone goes unturned,
The balance in life always has its challenge to make
As long as you pray for a moment, there’s nothing else you need to take. πŸ™πŸ½


Who would imagine what has happened this year
A scare amongst us all, which we stand up to a new fear.

We pray to God
We pray for new hope,
Others scared to touch the ones they love
Heavens open up to come towards 
The ones lost, the sadness falls.

The calmness of peace
We all deserve at the least,
Yet this year has caused an awake
We stay United, and never break.

Festive tidings to one and all
Believing in faith, we shall continue to walk tall.
Never lose hope despite what this year has thrown,
As tide is turning from the challenges which we have been thrown. 

Wednesday, 9 December 2020


We all have joy 
And we all have pain
We all need salvation;
Where simply there is to gain.

I pray for perennial love 
I pray for ultimate hope,
I pray for the belief that you have in you
Follow your dreams; they are there to achieve, now go off to pursue.

I pray to forgive yourself 
I pray that we can’t be hard on ourselves, all of the time..
I pray for the passage we read
Where the bible opens up, and where we feed.

I pray love has no colour 
As people fall for each other and rejoice;
Like I said before there is perennial hope
That’s why God gave you a voice, never to elope. πŸ™πŸ½❤️

Tuesday, 8 December 2020

My Thea *MND Poem

My auntie passed away many years back
A humble lady
Her focus inspiring and never lacked.

We all still miss her each and every day
And your quest to run for inspiration;
God bless you my friend. Now continue to run through determination relay.

May you be held in light
And may the prayers keep you strong and thoroughly aligned,
You are a humble figure, simply looking out for a great friend 
Your guile is unquestionably brilliant 
Determination which we all prayfully state is resilient. 

Run with strength
No pain no gain,
May the heavens hold you very close
Rob, your inspiration, especially when you need friends in the most. 

“A poem for Andy Sinfield, 7 marathons in 7 days... bless you buddy”

Monday, 7 December 2020

Praying when I run

The clock starts 
It’s the beginning, and never the end
The blood starts pumping 
You goal is sent through to the finishing line
Blood pumping good energy, and that you reach a divine. 

The blood flows 
I pray for my trials and the gains,
Even for my enemies, the ones you would refrain.

The breathing is heavy
The energy remains in the blood;
God is your protector 
The pounding steps of going faster 
You reach the end, through the Lord the laster.

The goal is in sight
Broken, I no longer more;
The transience does not equate from the breath I release
Prayers through the sky in the least.

Hope in giving.

There is hope in giving 
There is hope in living,
There is hope in smiling 
Not a stained look; or looking towards demising.

Keep praying
A place worthy of staying,
Hoping with prayer coming through
The power of grace is said with in the clue.

When I provide a person food..
Caring is humbling, so why would you be sued?
The love of God is where we need to look
The guidance comes from Christ, empowered through his book.

Held through love
And humbled through prayer;
Put your hands together 
Believing is the road we share.

“Giving and living πŸ™πŸ½“
Jason 7th December 2020

Friday, 4 December 2020

Strength within

Sometimes you doubt
Human nature does that to you,
Some more determined and go into things blind
Others controlling, and feel they have to mind..

I run in the morning
Dark, wet; and the circumstances unsure
Yet through these challenges I overcome obstacles 
Seeing the end insight, there is always hope, humility with light. .

I pray during my run
I don’t stop and do the best I can.
The heavens await, as one day we shall all go home
Praying and believing, like new air we are constantly breathing.

Madness, or eccentricity for what we want to achieve,
Running in the dark from the air which is filled with hope,
God is forever calling, in times we have never seen before,
There is always hope to aim 
From the determination through God’s calling 
Objectives to continue and never stalling.

“My run in the morning.. thank you Lord..πŸ™πŸ½❤️“

Thursday, 3 December 2020

Prayers for all..

When you pray.. you stay 
And then you move closer to hope 
Rather than be cynical in current state.. yes there is pain out there
But we need to look towards Gods humble fate?

It starts with Faith up high
A prayful message; never passes by,
Hold your hands together and simply pray
It’s that easy, negativity shall eventually go away.

The cosmo, the stars, the solar system and the moon...
The places on this earth, we stare at when life appears bleak,
There is a God in heaven 
Whenever you look.. and to seek.

With prayer comes love
With hope there is light,
I write these words for me as well as for you
Glory to the Highest power 
From humbleness we seek and refuse to scowler. 

“Felt low before writing this, I am blessed for the Father to provide me with this gift and hope.”πŸ™πŸ½❤️

Monday, 30 November 2020

Getting through πŸ™πŸ½❤️

Did I think I would get through this year.  I went into April and still worshiped you Because it was about you. I confessed with my mouth that you resurrected from the grave.  I praise you, it's all about you.
May was full of sorrow, there was a tremble but you were seeing me through it. The fear around me did not touch me as I know you were holding me close. seeing me though.
June I’m losing focus on you. I don’t like this feeling.  You hear my cry; and you bring that helping hand to me.
July we were never under lockdown when it concerned you Lord, you gave us the freedom when the price was paid at Calvary.  All we need to do is look up and you are there
August - Your guidance, your sight the way forward is through you. This is always hope from which you pursue.
September - Learning to overcome, bring fellowship in the mix, the hope and grace you bring shall see you overcome the tribulations that need to be fixed.
October - Accustomised to this new world, restricted but we need to comply. Yes, Lord you are the architect, the saviours, the redeemer that gives us faith. This attack from the Devil has no wrath.
November - Another lockdown, yet we know you have this to hand, the hope eternal from your children's soildering we forever stand.
December - A year we prefer to honesty forget yet; you are the cornerstone the only hope we need to see, once this is all over, we all know we shall by following you, we shall become eternally free.

Prayers from Kumba & Jason πŸ™πŸ½

Thursday, 26 November 2020

The strength from the Father

The Father holds you together
He has the final say,
May the prayers continue to be powerful 
From the words Gods says.

He is looking over 
Protection is always there,
The peace in the Father 
Nurses through integral care.

Thinking of you
Stay strong , nothing less
You have this covered 
Through the humility of Gods prowess. 

Hands held together 
Far more powerful than surgical tools,
Calmness in spirit through the heart
There is always the Father, from where the beginning starts. ❤️πŸ™πŸ½

When God says it’s time

Maradona, a genius with a soccer ball
His sheer presence... HUGE
From the soccer Gods eyes he forever stood tall.

His skill on the pitch,
The love he had for the game,
A person whose skill beautifully exudes 
Gods has taken a great, from there he imbues. 

His desire to win astounding 
His skills, genius and humbleness never leaves our minds
Glory to God first, he brought Maradona here to find.

The goal against England in 1986 so sublime to see 
Defeating every opposing player to score that winning goal,
The soccer Gods gave him gifts to achieve anything he wanted to do on the pitch 
The heavens has taken a God of there own, a champion in his own right 
We shall see him one day, sure, from the Goodness he brought our eyes to sight. 

R.I.P. Diego Maradona. Until we meet again πŸ™πŸ½

Wednesday, 25 November 2020

How can you question love?

People who question
Tend to hit into a brick wall,
And there are those who are cynical about others 
Yet, the great pastor, Martin Luther king says “love them all, my sisters and brothers”.

You pray for forgiveness 
You pray for the hope of love,
If there is something else to replace this one moment in time
Tell me? Because nothing else can make this feeling more sublime.

With peace, there is joy
With kindness, there is the light 
And their are those people who are keen to look at your faults,
Yet the Father deflects any of those taunts.

The verse I say
I’ve said time and time again,
Never are you disillusioned when prayers enter the fore,
Peace on earth, with all who give you a glimmer to attain
Then there is that word  called “love”, the word I rejoice and prayfully retain.

Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Christmas love

Festive times need to be laid,
We are humble in spirit
In a year which the tests have made us afraid.

People rejoice 
When no hugging took part,
The Father in heaven 
Is where we need to start.

The year has been a struggle 
As time has moved on,
The past with never be forgotten 
As we reached a place we long for Emmanuel, the begotten.

With Christmas looming closer each and every day
Praying for brothers and sisters, we are all should be as one
People holding hope 
People removing fear
The joy for our children to move forward with eternal hope and love
There is a period of festivities we each need to stay above.

“Merry Christmas love to all... earth and other solar systems” x x 

Monday, 23 November 2020

Wishing you well

Wishing you the very best
You have endured this NHS test.
Times of challenge 
And times of education 
Now you go off and reflect on your adulation.

Remain focus
These times have gone too fast,
Your discussion to move things forward 
Is the health objective main
Wishing you all the best is balance and all that’s humane.

Looking at life 
We all have decisions to make,
This is a balanced step forward 
From the focus that you are about to take.

Be kind to your wants 
And focus on your rested needs,
Thank you for your words of wisdom
From this new chapter, which intercedes x x x 

When love is questioned

To be fair 
We have all asked questions about this word.
All too nampy pampy..??
sternest is the way forward???
God is love and always towards us.

The love of hope 
The love which Gods constantly brings,
Each and everyone of us have capacity to show kindness
Deflect the negativity , that’s so mindless. 

The question is a good one to ask
I once never thought anyone cared,
There is The Father up there looking, loving and showing us the way,
Why is this? because your story is important for the Father to say.

Keep moving forward with his love 
Keep moving forward with his kindness, 
If you don’t think these things exists?
How can you expect to enjoy and encourage your life?
There is hope and there is joy 
Just accept this ‘L’ word that’s so real
Allow the Father in... the rest shall be surreal. x 

Sunday, 22 November 2020

Adding numbers (Diabetes Poem)

Food is analytical when you have this condition 
Learning from an auto immune system you body is battling inside 
The art of this condition is mindful, well that is what I want to confide.

Looking at food with a carbohydrate view, 
And there is the insulin, and testing of blood sugars which enters into the equation
There is life to live, let allow others persuasion.

You test your bloods, then add the amount of carbs you will eventually eat 
Then there is that hormone called insulin which avoids the recipe you ready to defeat.

The condition is challenging 
Especially when other activities blend in the mix 
One thing for certain 
I do anything to have my pancreas back, that’s the thing I want to fix.. 🀣

Thursday, 19 November 2020

A year you can never forget. 2020

A year we clearly could never forget,
A word which begins with ‘C’, which evidently changed the world
And tested our thoughts and behaviours through an ultimate whirl.

A corporate major of 100 years old,
Raised money for those in a total struggle,
And not forgetting leaders, working through policies for a leadership cause,
We ended up not knowing, especially when facing an uncomfortable pause.

The look of hope at a time and year that would never be forgotten,
Opinions and decisions all need to be made
Plus the blame culture, which is totally pointless to hold
 Its faith in God, we all need to take account and become bold.

A drink with friends 
A hug we once all did,
This menacing devil, we need to be confident to finally rid.

Love of man 
Love of kindness 
The support of each other is needed more than ever.
The year 2020 took many friends and family away 
God bless, for our hearts is where they should stay.

“2021... you’ll better be an improvement” πŸ™πŸ½
19th November 2020

Love of Faith

We love 
We pray
We look to remain ok.

Yet through challenges, in amidst 
The hope of faith should never be in doubt,
Stay strong with will, and constant hope 
There is always God there pushing you UP the slope.

The brace runs powerfully 
The desire never loses sight,
Life was never easy from the set 
Begrudge nothing even though you many face the difficulty you beset.

Where there is God
There is always hope,
Yes I do believe,
No argument necessary 
No comeback needs enforcing 
That’s why faith should never be removed from the heart,
The strength going forward, is merely the start. xx

Sunday, 15 November 2020

New journey awaits

The path to a new country strongly awaits
This is beautiful and its daunting as God determines your fate.

His hope to make this move correct
The love for one another will make this right,
Hands together as the finishing line is in sight.

You will be safe from this page you are about to turn 
There is always Gods protection 
From this passage and true affection.

The praise you receive for making this unbelievable move
The guidance from the Father is so.. so there
He ascends his Angel to comfort you, from the spirit he always share.

“Love to Hadessa and Enrico x “

Adapting to change

Never the easiest thing to do
Praying to understand change for me and you,
Forever in light
Coming from darkness 
Moving forward through sheer starkness.

When you love, continue to pray to shine the light
This is the moment God holds you close,
The prayers for the Father should mean the most.

The change we do has always been there
Working out what’s right from wrong,
The prayer shall guide you, humbleness turns you to becoming strong.

Use the strength of Love to remove any negative thought,
People looking at blame when God loves one and all,
The eternal glory of his quest
Is the lead which God provides your zest.

“Stay in Faith. Love to one and all... amen πŸ™πŸ½“

God will pull us through

I have written many a poem about the Fathers’ love
You may or may not understand 
But there is a light waiting for you,
Understand the prospect youths heavens state
This more than mere fate.

The light shines brightly 
The sun shows the love of God,
The hope forever mending 
Peace on earth from the spirit always attending.

Shining the light
Burning mightier than all,
The power of Love is more than a hug and a kiss
Believe in the mightiest of love, 
a sky so far, far above.

My prayers are with you night and day
The Father in heaven is here to stay.
Let him in, he is the beginning... and the end
No matter what times you are going through 
The devils attack is deflected from the journey you will eventually pursue.

“God loves each and everyone of us...” πŸ™πŸ½❤️

Where it now starts...

God presented an Angel for me to see
That’s  you, and soon your wish is to be with me.
You hold presence 
You hold Gods’ joy
You show the love he gives 
He is the reason humbleness forever lives.

You are loving
You are caring
You know how to make me feel good
With the love of God you are always sharing.

You are my wish
You are my hope
You are the reason 
I am now not dangling from any rope.

You are peace
You are my kind.
The sheer essence of God inside of you 
Is what I need to find.

You are my joy
You are my passion
The love of God
Shall never come in small rations.

I end this poem on a high
If I continue, there shall be tears of joy where I shall no longer sigh.
I repeat, you give me hope
And you give me peace 
You are my Eve,  I am your Adam... that’s in the very least. 

Love gregarious Genius moi x x

Saturday, 14 November 2020

Running in the rain

Yes the very thought sounds insane
Never lose touch
Pray to God every inch of the way,
You never give in
Breath properly, that’s all I have to say.

The pants of breath go with a prayer
Praying for my enemies,
The ones who don’t want me here.
I wish them well, it’s only God that I fear.

God loves you
He loves me too,
Pray each and every day
He is the start and the end
The ultimate spirit, the one I do depend.

Heart on the sleeve 
God never leaves you alone,
He always  leaves his door wide open,
Especially through times of tears and strain
The humility you receive, shall remove any stain. 

Friday, 13 November 2020

One powerful prayer

Believe it or not 
Prayers are here to stay,
No matter of the circumstance
These are uncomplicated from where my head lays.

He lays a foundation, what's put on this earth
It started many years ago,
‘Genesis’ they call it in the big book...
A guide for hope, so much worth a a humble look.

I pray for the enemies 
I pray for those less fortunate, and need a glimmer of hope, 
We all need to unite and be strong
Gods quest is never ending, 
A place I know can be integral and transcending.

The prayers of unity
Like no act I prefer to do, 
Harming a soul who cannot reach
Gods humbleness is the essence we all need to teach. 

Tuesday, 10 November 2020


I know we will all face health concerns
In certain times of our life,
Yet this balancing type 1 diabetes can be a bind
Yet I pray for insulin to move inside of me, that’s what I want to find.

Hypos, hypers....
What am I suppose to do?
And there is that thing called life
And those who lack empathy... that’s just part of the strife.

It’s been years I’ve had this condition 
Where balancing is all part of the act,
Two steps ahead 
That’s where you need to be,
Pray to the heavens, I only want insulin to generate inside of me.

I pray for the balance 
I pray for the insulin to release,
I have faith in my body, as one day I shall be at peace.

“Prayers from someone with type 1 diabetes.. me”
10th November 2020

When all fails....

A prayer
So easy to say 
It comes from the depth of your heart
A precious moment, where we see a brand new start.

If you pray
There is something for which you want to stay.
Time on earth to spread the word
A time to forgive and reflect 
Gods wanting is the true passage we all need to detect.

You pray each day
Light minded and avoiding a devilish thought,
Yet God holds the love to truly reign
From where there is the holiness, which is no longer a stain.

Following the faith of love 
Following his time to release his story,
The salvation of letting go, is just the first part of working his endless quest for glory.


Falling into....

Be careful 
To a point, be carefree 
If you fall into a pit 
Yet the Father made you to think with a bit of wit.

You see? I like my own time 
But at the same time, it would be nice to have a companion to speak with,
A humble partner, a good solid friend 
And there is the  Father, the protector, the one I  an always depend.

I can fall into a rut
A place I find hard to always leave,
Yet through his mercy and grace 
The devil can never retrieve.

Take your time 
Especially during times when we have been told to take a step back and truly reflect
As long you get out of the mire, there is always times to reset.

Jason. x pray every day.. makes a difference πŸ™πŸ½

Monday, 9 November 2020

Those videos that get us together....

We see each other every day through a video call,
Times were so much simpler in the office, and had a little fun
Now we stay motionless, forgive the pun.

Things discussed through a video screen
Sometimes nothing to say or want to discuss, 
Let’s just on with the job, that’s when there be nothing to fuss.

Through these unprecedented times 
Many virtual situations have arrived,
That lack of contact is quite prevalent and these teams meetings I barely survive.

The meeting finished 
The gossip finally ends,
Like a hospital ward manager once said,
“Don’t what you guys are talking about, I have patients to attend”🀣🀣🀣

Sunday, 8 November 2020

Remember when we use to?

There was a time we touched with warmth and love
Humbleness in ourselves, and then praising the good within,
A physical solace from times we would always bring.

2020, a year of challenge and clearly a time to reflect
People struggling on their own
Looking to God where there is nothing else seems to hone.

A time where rushing reduces its speed
The time to move forward and reflect what we now see,
Safety in humanity and return to a place we once use to be.

Love of hope, we all need that 
Anger has no place, where God keeps us strong 
And where there is hope, love and guile 
These time will soon pass, even though it appears for awhile. 

“Pray for each other, a good place to be..”

Happy birthday.. dear friend

Happy birthday my dear friend 
A drink or two from where we cherish this day
Humbleness and kindness definitely arrived your way....

Blessings to you 
And a joy from where this birthday holds,
Thank you for your friendship, laughter and chat 
For a day like today and your personality, I definitely take that...for that πŸ™πŸ½

Enjoy each moment 
Be spoilt if you can?
And take all the good for what you have done 
A friendship worthy, especially when speaking of a bantering pun. 

A cake, a glass of wine in the mix
I pray for you brother, no question of doubt 
Once the 2nd December arrives, a belated drink is what is all about.

Happy birthday Stephen πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘ŠπŸ½

Saturday, 7 November 2020

The heart of hope

The belief in your soul holds true
The loving of hope 
Is where there is a clue.

I love the hope of faith
A bible verse ends in the verse saith.
May love hold close
May we feel the most 
There is a time we shall endeavour become true
Therefore the praise shall be inside of you.

You can never lose hope through dire applause 
The love of God 
Is the ultimate cause.

Love of the heart is so much inside 
There is a passion of faith and of heartfelt hope
The time  of praise shall brings you a beat
And humbleness shall never receive a defeat.


Thursday, 5 November 2020

Lower the rate

We have been through this once 
And we shall overcome again,
Giving up is never is an option
No matter how hard, and no matter how surreal
These times are unprecedented and that is the steel.

We shall get back to normal...
Whatever that was before?
We look forward to make things right 
These times are about togetherness, to over come this fight.

Believe in you
And believe in Faith, way up high,
These are times we need to pray for each one another 
Keeping still, not worrying or escaping things when times have been unsure
Glory to your Faith, humbleness to the core.

Remain positive 
So easier said than done,
In a low place and do not know how to get out?
A Father in heaven is the eternal sign, 
Keep hope, pray for each other... the end result shall become blissful and fine. 

Monday, 2 November 2020

Changing.. again and again

Through times of change
In what others cannot accept?
Decisions made by a government straining 
forever there are times we are now refuting in waning.

What can we do, panic is the last thing, 
suicide on the rise? 
people losing focus from what is happening all around,
One day we shall look back
pause, and won't make a sound. 

So what do you do?
Oppress? or anxiety is kept within?
Control others behaviour? as life is it's not going totally right?
Lead by example, you need to stay focused, regardless of the fight. 

I say pray to the Father with arms open wide, 
these times will soon banish, from the words we confide. 
Panic on the rise, 
people do not know what to do for the best?
as far I am concerned, leave what's out of your control
the prayers through the battle shall open up, that's where I want to go. 

"I suffered anxiety depression back in 2009, I tried to end my life by taking 140 units of fast acting insulin, then in 2015 I found God, or God found me?" Amen to the Father.

Sunday, 1 November 2020

Hope In prayerπŸ™πŸ½

A person said to me the other day: “as long we are alright.”
Silent, I did not respond,
I pray for them, as Gods timing is never prolonged.

God is hopeful
God is free willing, for us all,
It’s his faith in us, with him, we shall never fall.

It’s important to stay in Faith
It’s important to learn there are others there,
We can’t deal with this angst alone
Gods answers his requests from everywhere, and his throne.

We now need the Father more than ever,
It’s not about intelligence, or how clever you are,
He welcomes all of us, his love is always their
Just pressing a simple poem like this for humbleness to share. 


Saturday, 31 October 2020

Remember.. you can’t do this alone

Toxic fixation
Combined with negative persuasion. 
Neither are healthy,
Neither have a trust 
Where there is God
There is always a must.

You can’t change others, 
Just show them the light
A never ending battle
Which unfortunately leads to a fight.

You are doing well;
A deserved gentle tap on the back,
Yet through your endless guidance 
You shall never lose the focus to lack.

So demonstrate with peace,
There is a love gleefully inside, 
Where there is a God in heaven, 
More than a football team, which equates to eleven. πŸ˜‰

Amen xxx 
Thanks J. You inspired that xxxxx


In the pub today..
Simply minding my own,
Grown ups with children 
Acting through that devils spawn,
Yes, we need to loosen up.. but do not destroy a child’s confidence, that’s nasty... and forlorn.

I was abused as a child
It was soul destroying to say the least,
I didn’t believe in God at the time
Didn’t know what to do 
Yet there were Angels that believed... and the time will prevail in me and  you!!

When drink takes over...
A moderate amount is ok,
Jesus turned water into wine 
He didn’t want overspill, just us to follow him to refine.

They say you made your bed, lay in it...
Such negative words which others do not need to remind,
Why not pray, for we are not perfect
Like alcohol, never worth it.. 

Friday, 30 October 2020

Never defeated

There are times where vexatious words are said
Defeated? Fear not, the devils pretenders soon will be sent to bed.

There is hope with love,
Never, believe you are held with grudges anymore,
I am from a Cypriot family. And grudges are held in 20 years,
It gets prayer for forgiveness, waves it’s ugly rear.

Dear Lord 
Why does the devil attack?
He reminds you to stay strong in faith and that he fills you with humility to feel kind,
The devil has lost this battle, you shall no longer be held to feel blind.

Thank you Father
You believed in us all, despite the sin committed. 
Forgiveness brings you calm and hope
Your Father is the cornerstone 
Just like seeing the Father on the throne xxxxx

Keep trying

You see the light
Then there is the hope
Darkness into light 
Gives you the weapons for an everlasting fight.

There are prayers through love 
There are prayers through hoping for one and all,
There is never defeat in Gods mind
Where there is the will, there is also the kind.

Night into day
God started this all good will intent,
His love for his children is paramount 
Believe it or not, the heavens shall be sent.

Prayers through harmony and joy
The fight has been won
Allow the higher power defeat evil through anger which others deploy.
You rise and rise again, for his son won the victory 
From which we shall all transcend.. 

Thursday, 29 October 2020

No longer teenagers

We are at this stage
A beautiful and humble page,
God has hit us together 
We are blessed and not through the never never.

May we stay with the Father
I would never lose my time with him,
He is the founder of hope and true love
The passage of his glory we shall never rise above. 

He is the start and the end 
He is the matchmaker we should always depend
We have faced similar passages we look to transcend.

God is hope 
God is light 
He is the reason we are balanced
And have everything insight. 

We are one 
No more and no less 
He has the final say when we are together 
Humility of kindness is the prayer to fend the stormy weather.

Tuesday, 27 October 2020

God is smiling at me

 I can see God smiling at me

I feel rejuvenated as I am leading towards the path that has set us free.

He is carrying me,

He is restoring my once torn heart,

I cannot leave him now

As this is a brand new start.

I love my enemies

They are no longer my foes,

He has my protection 

He blocks any forthcoming blows.

He is always my champion

The eyes which once I couldn’t see 

The redeemer for all to eat told,

The Father has answers to questions  

There no longer surprises which sure to be hold. 

Prayer for a prayer

Praying and staying
Never always the case,
The Father in heaven keeps moving 
The spirit never frequents to humbling soothing.

I received a prayer 
A place we all need to forgo, 
A time, a place... and a holding of hope
Their is a protector so openly there for you
Through a place that does not need any further clue.

You love...
You find peace
There is a place we all belong once that times solely arrives, 
The Father in heaven is there from which you should strive.

A friend prayed for me... a true lily blessed soul 
This poem is for him, as well as for you...
When I put my hands together
I know the peace to reach the almighty of high 
The day belongs to the Father;
from there I no longer need to sigh. 

Saturday, 24 October 2020

What can anyone do?

You can only understand what you open your eyes too, 
And moving forward with humility and prayer
There is a Father in heaven who understands you anywhere.

You pray to believe that there is hope
That’s the only way forward
You can learn to love God anywhere toward.

The love of others are Angels from afar
The belief of Gods grace, is never a place to leave
The life you lead is moving forward, way up high
The love from God is always worth a try.

When I say the wanting to pray
It’s prays for self yet love for all,
Where there’s the Father
The child in God never falls.

“God is love, action and never retraction”πŸ™πŸ½❤️

Thursday, 22 October 2020

Never lose touch

Never lose touch for what you do see
There are times you simply want to be,
You do not need to struggle
You simply just need to pray
The Father is their to hold, guess what? stay.

Never lose hope 
A word often said,
Never defeated
Especially from these words I’ve just said.

Love is love,
It always has a place,
Never be scared for what others say,
God has the best answers at the end of the day.

Holding is never scolding 
it’s a sign of true belief,
Once you pray for a life time, it never becomes a relief.

So goodbye for now
This is your time,
Whoever hurts you with physicality or words
Remember, their is a God with perennial hope
Loving you, with open joy 
No more anger, just loving God, that’s what I deploy.

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Your opinion

Others fear what they don’t understand, 
They are not you, but judge 
They don’t possess what you feel inside
Now take control and believe in what you thrive.

Hurting others with the truth
Judging others for what you don’t understand,
The peace is to be within you
Do not raise your voice when judgement has no clue.

At times of speed where, especially when the left doesn’t meet the right
I take my time when praying for a little still
Gods reign is so so surreal.

May your hearts grow
Encouragement aimed,
When you hear toxic language and pray for hope
That moment of care is where you should elope. 

“God bless one and all”

Saturday, 17 October 2020

Life following Faith...

It’s because you believe...
You now know you will become different through a prayerful relieve,
There is ALWAYS hope with a prayer
Anger isn’t anyone’s to share, and glare.

Peace on Earth
Love to all human kind,
Aren’t we meant to be together 
Weathering this flimsy balance that tests our tether.

Love possessed hope
Anger has no place on this earth,
It doesn’t penetrate a better exercise regime 
Peace on Earth captivates the hurt formed from a unity team.

Sorry if I ever offended
Yet it’s Faith that makes us thrive,
Calmness in the mind to give hope 
God bless you through challenges which can put us on a rope. 

Thursday, 15 October 2020

Some you just do....

Sometimes you push others away
Trying avoid closeness, from past happenings that went astray.

You need to embrace love,
it’s their for you, on a plate,
People hurting you in the past
And that pains tends to forever last.

We don’t mean to sound distant
We simply just do,
A poor parenting background, trying to be made up
A controlling guardian who knows no other way
Then you step up, as you begin to lead stray.

Wanting others to understand 
Yet their lives have been different from yours,
My Faith in the Father is where it now belongs 
The hope of Gods heart in you, is where you don’t prolong
Jason πŸ™πŸ½❤️ “Pain runs through but prayers will mend the broken x”

Wednesday, 14 October 2020


Strange I maybe seen
As I do not conform,
In this world of social media and trials
The hope has gone further, for such a long while.

I move away from God
That’s the hope we look to face,
Eternal forgiveness 
Comes with prayer,  no better place to go over there.

I have never been to me,
Once scared what others might say,
I am humble in spirit where I stay
I am now no longer withering away.

I love to love 
There is joy in perennial peace, 
Yet through the work God that has allayed 
The prayers of forgiveness is no longer strayed.

You are never defeated

Never the Twain shall ever meet
Yet with faith there is a place to never face defeat.
Defeat with love 
No way to answer that back,
Caring for a fellow human is where it leads
Hope and prayer is the place to concede.

Praise and glory
Refutes hatred and all that kind of thing,
Attacking motives, never derives 
Your Faith with the Father always survives. 

God comes first 
Hope always arrives 
When feeling defeated 
Pray for your enemy,
That’s where I strive..

How can you wish your enemy well?
I know hate leads to strain,
Breaking people up, what does that solve
The Father in heaven is our cornerstone to evolve. 

Sunday, 11 October 2020

What does it solve

A young man approached me today
“Do you live here?” Said in an angry voice,
A little alarmed as I  replied with a tad of vigor
He was a human after all, despite his demeanour. 

He got aggressive 
I then replied that I could not hear from the mask worn on his face,
Impatience and aggressive his voice clearly appeared, 
God bless you my brother, Gods in our thoughts and tears.

He wanted to hit me
I knew that he wanted to do,
Politeness I tried to rely
Anger was his want, which then strayed. 

I shall pray for him during my morning run
I know I am upset, for how he approached my friend and I,
Yet I knew the Father would comfort him, without a sigh.


Looking out for you

Looking at you
Loving you so, so much too....
My physical presence is not there
Kingdom is the one I want us to share.

I pray for love inside of you
I pray that a smile lifts your face,
My eyes are looking upon you 
Every where I look towards your pace. 

People will protect 
People will love 
People to hold your hand, that is me..
You will be okay from where I currently see.

I love you every day 
I love for you to get your wants,
The Father in heaven is with me now
I am here from a place thats a kingdom on earth 
The Father in heaven, surrendered his son, 
that’s where I know you are fully worth. 

From mum x x πŸ™πŸ½❤️


One day at a time
One day that’s all we can do,
Time to balance from what we can see
There is the Father, yes you’ll be free!

May the father rejoice you
May the heavens touch you with open arms and hope,
Never stop loving the Father who cares
Love, prosperity and all to share.

There is love
There is patience to rejoice,
When we blend those together
You receive a calming voice.

I pray for kindness
That should never fall into blindness,
By faith and not by sight 
The Father is helpful from all his might.



We are loved
We are overjoyed
There is a calling from heaven 
Where we embrace and understand 
Learning to move forward from where we stand.

Never defeated 
Never depleted
Others will try to hold you back
There is a father that shall never slack.

Love is peace
Love is joy
For those who don’t understand, they will learn
The time they are called is where they discern.

I love to love
Isn’t that the point,
Show care, show hope 
Show humbleness and show kindness 
Those who understand shall never receive blindness.

Perennial love.

Pray in the night 
Pray during the day
Pray to the ones we love
That day shall  always stay.

Pray for the two sisters 
Those who shine with God,
There love is never ending 
And praying for others is transcending.

I pray for hope
I pray for peace
There is gossip in the world,
That’s where it cease.

I hold your hand up
I hold your hand high
I love these beautiful people 
There I shall remain hopeful and never shy. 

Jason xxxx

Saturday, 10 October 2020

Colour.... as One πŸ™πŸ½❤️

What do you believe the world should be?
“Sticking to your own race?” That isn’t feeling free...

You fall in love, that is no race..
These times we need one another 
Whatever time, or whatever place.

The art of love is never to fight 
Debate? yes, agree to disagree.. is often a term used
Learning others theories should never be refused.

Love is love 
It has no restrictions to become dissolved
Or even depictions of time which you need to ever solve.
Race is one, And you like what you like
Being anti towards someone’s colour of their face,
Then that asks a question of you,
History does need to be addressed 
Yet it’s the future which is important... I now digress..

Saturday, 3 October 2020

Just want to talk...

No solution 
No sadness 
Just a story of brokenness received
God the almighty, understood and therefore believed.

No anger 
No hate
Learning to move forward when others hurt you path.
People embracing gossip on Facebook and all that chit chat 
That’s not where you need to pursue, that’s a simple fact.

We need love
Not austerity 
But others face in what they cannot see
The speed of the world does not help, when you are trying to become free.

Bold messages 
Often disregarded through limited understanding, through the  devils foes,
Peace through prayer is humble and attained 
Hope and glory is the Father’s retained.

“Sometimes we just need a conversation without an answer, it’s called a story and then listening”

Overcoming Struggles

We look to prayer 
The most powerful moment you can ever receive,
Believing in Faith 
Is more than the devil can ever deceive.

You struggle...
And pray....
Struggle and stay,
No place better to be
Gods kingdom is the hope we look forward to see.

People attacking others
“Where is your God now?” others may shout,
It’s free will that you need to understand 
Aridity of any contraband.

Faith in God is more powerful than one person
It’s the spirit in the sky who has the final say,
Believe it or not, it is the truth.
Not based on intelligence, anger nor the Devils attack
It’s hope in goodness, where the Father has your back.

“Pray for love of all... ❤️πŸ™πŸ½“

Tuesday, 29 September 2020

For those who cause trouble...

Juxtaposition never required
Debate and conflicting views need a balance to hold,
Learning the essence where divide is not what we always need,
There is hope, yet their are bullies that want you to bleed.

To cause hurt to another persons will
Policing a system, when it’s not ‘I’, it’s 'We'
The hope we look towards, when we follow the One in Three.

Doesn’t need to be a drama 
But people like those terms mentioned these days. 
Drama was once enjoyable 
Now it’s chaos which causes minds to fray.

Causing trouble...
People wanting unnecessary fights because of pride, or want to stir,
People’s partisan politics want others to lead to a rapturous blur.
It’s about solving and respecting a focused point of view,
But when there is the devil, the Father soon leads his pursuit. 

Sunday, 27 September 2020

He is Their...

You cannot refuse a Father who loves you
Especially when you can never hide,
Just because you cannot see, doesn't you that cannot confide..  

His hope is for you to come forward
It doesn’t matter how difficult it takes,
Love penetrates that exact meaning 
His hope is never... ever deceiving.

You don’t need to get involved with gossip
That way can lead to a toxic message.
It’s prayer that moves with the tide
Doesn’t matter how hurt you feel, his love never subsides.

I was once broken 
I seen others follow a similar path,
Doesn’t matter how others say they are perfect
Our frailties in the Fathers’ eyes, still means you are worth it.

“Praying is love, action and strength...” 
praise the lord πŸ™πŸ½

27th September 2020

Lifted spirit

Praise the lord
Praise the almighty
Praise the blessings he releases when you arrive
You have been broken, now it’s simply more than to just survive.

No more anger or judgement to be instilled 
That’s my prayer, for hope, from where we are filled.

May the direction hold your hand and never let go
You are free as the Father has secured your place,
Hope and glory shall bear its beautiful face.

Love of God Never lets go 
Believe and pray, these simple words I say
I may not see you from week to week, or year to year
Yet for certain, the Father shall forgive your sins and remove your fears.

Saturday, 26 September 2020

Remove yourself

Need peace 
Need love
The other situations should never exist..
If they do, then remove yourself from the mist.

Give me the Father any day of the week
And then be at peace with the highest of high,
So worth doing
Even when you are crying, the anger waves goodbye.

None of us are better than each other
We are worthy. through his humble soul
You may question the spiritual reason
If you go back, you be living an old season.

Rejoice and encourage others faith,
No better place to be 
As I rather avoid returning back to haste.


Friday, 25 September 2020

Loving Hope πŸ™πŸ½❤️

We live through hope 
And we workout the fear,
Prayers are humble and lifting
Gods presence sanctifying.. and gifting.

Without hope there is no direction,
Without hope there is no peace or a way to move on,
Blaming the chance to accept free will, is the place we can go wrong.

Your spirit is there through humble faith 
Your spirit is there through love of the Father,
Never ever lose hope in Brothers and Sisters you love,
The protection is there to spiritually accept 
Don’t let negativity rid you
Kick that to the curb.. there’s the Father to confide in you.

Question the love of peace...
Is chaos your favourite way to act! Sadly not?
We have prayers to rebuke the attack the Devil releases,
Little does he know, he cannot win this overall..
Gods children have heaven to look forward to, as nothing else shall ever fall.πŸ™πŸ½❤️ 

Wednesday, 23 September 2020


We are one 
We follow a true faith,
Past is truth
But the details are deeper from what you see
Praising previous attacks, isn’t what you call free.

Movements of race
Ain’t we all meant to be One?
Yes they’ve been idiots through programme behaviour
None of this should be embraced or ever savoured.

Didn’t the lord want us to refute the devil?
Especially through his source where attacks against  each other rely?
Wasn’t the Lords calling us to be together, regardless of race, faith and refute the negative slay.

Love is victory
Not this attack where we then start to blame,
Education is required, and not only what you want to read
The Father in heaven is the comforter you Humbly need.

Sunday, 20 September 2020

When heaven brings..

Never lose hope 
The Father has your back,
Looking towards anger, that’s never the way,
His presence provides hope, where you want to stay.

The seven sins will hit
The devil shall attack,
But when you pray to the Father 
You shall be removed from the rack.

I love you,
In a way that shows tremendous care,
It’s through the Father
We no longer look blankly.. and stare.

The Angels arrive 
You shall soon survive,
Close your eyes for a heavenly sleep
The Fathers calling shall elevate you to leap.

Chaos removed.. Find peace

Amidst the chaos 
Find true inner peace,
Deserving of love, in the very least.

I pray for you
There you shall find love and hope,
Humility removed through sin
Find the Father... always within.

Love beats hate
No point losing that trait,
Victory belongs to God
From there you find his approving nod.

None of us hold perfection, 
We are searching for hope, that is the detection,
Remove yourself from toxic souls 
Run towards the Father, on heaven as it is on earth
His hope is so much glorious, that is what it’s worth! 

“Jason pray to the heavens”
20th September 2020

Saturday, 19 September 2020

Say if I believed?

No other place I prefer to be
Join me, struggles will be there, 
yet you shall be able to see.

“See what?” I may hear you cry
The Father in heaven who loves you, more than you know,
None of this can be achieved through man alone 
There is a Father in heaven. Waiting for you to embrace his throne.

The peace he fills you
The joy you will receive,
Hoping for others to be filled with the spirit
Therefore, the glory to God is within it.

Emotional intelligence is there to understand 
Praying to God, the creator, redeemer and only hope for us all
May your prayers for Good be answered 
For He shall continually hold us all.

“Follow his path, you can’t go wrong πŸ™πŸ½ Peace.”

Friday, 18 September 2020


Where we look to pray
We will continue  to stay
Peace on Earth holds us close
God the almighty loves us the most.

He releases hope
He releases the stone that does not go unturned, 
He provides a spiritual stay when you pray inside
He wants to help, when you open up and then confide.

The Father in heaven loves you
Come to him, he wants to help...
The struggles of the earth will be there because free will exist,
Accept the Father, the almighty on the throne 
There is grace in mercy through his  cornerstone.

Peace on our earth
And goodwill shall be retained,
God the all cumbersome and protector for us all
The devils work shall never be achieved and will undoubtably stall. 

“Stay focused and loved by the lord”πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½

Thursday, 17 September 2020

We can all look up to you

What has this world caused through the angle of sin?
Sin caused by anger and sometimes hatred within,
We have all become broken, or not knowing where to turn
Listen, pray, move forward and eventually there is a discern.

Read a good book of hope
Read about faith for the reason why we pray,
It’s that for the benchmark of hope, from which we do not need to slope?

You can pray for anything good,
God will answer it when the time is right,
He never forgets your request
As he sees what is infront of you to overcome the test.

I just want to love you lord
More and more, each passing day,
Embellishing the hope you enter into our hearts and soul, 
The outcome is haven  for all creatures great and small
The protection from the Lord shall make you stand tall.

“Praise the Lord πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½“

Monday, 14 September 2020

The demands in health work

Hoping and praying for a adult, baby or child to pull through, 
Pray for those who truly care
Rather than a fly on the wall that you rather not bear.

A worker will pray 
Hoping that a client or patient is revived,
Mental health damage which vary case by case,
I’ve been there before, never believing in hope
Now stronger 
Thank you healthcare person, your work often challenging 
Trying to refute the cause by defending anymore damaging.

You do well
You truly do,
Trying your best when complex challenges are clearly there
Pray to the heavens, goodness is there to share.

Anxiety caused by others insistent demands, 
Remember this.. you are serving a great public cause 
Close your eyes, open them and then believe 
Doing a great job, that is what you do, now receive...πŸ™πŸ½

Sunday, 13 September 2020

Hope for us all

Never leave 
The Father‘s glory is to believe.

Never enter into blindness,
There is hope from the Father 
Which is encapsulating, rather like a stream of lava. 

Never lose what is good 
Say a prayer, that is what we all should do,
Praying is staying with the Father’s hope
Capture the truth, no pain hanging off a rope.

Thank you for your prayers 
Thank you for encouragement pertained,
The highest power is where I look to way up high
The essence of faith is something worthy to try.

“Try and love God”xxxπŸ™πŸ½

Saturday, 12 September 2020

At a time of change

We can only move forward 
When faith in the heart has been embraced,
Learning to move forward is an art to learn 
Never lose faith, the power way up high...
Loving the Father is a joy, never to say goodbye. 

Love is power
Prayer reaches the highest tower,
You will face challenges of sin
It’s the glory of God which he shall win.

The tears of anger caused from the past 
Many of us has endured, yet prayers won’t make them last.
Love of hope and love of joy
The pain removed through supreme faith 
God the power, he shall dismantle the devils wrath.

Enjoy this day
Enjoy your life with God and the peace,
No longer angry through past torments 
Praying for your enemy, removes resents.

“Love is far more detailed than the word itself”
Jason x 

Wednesday, 9 September 2020

Where there’s the Father

Where there is the Father
Their is kindness people may possibly refute,
Yet it’s prayers of kindness 
Doesn’t necessary lead to any kind of blindness. 

There are Angels to protect 
There are tears to release brokenness,
Praise the Father up high
You know what? Anger shall rule its ugly head goodbye.

I love to love 
I love to pray for those who dislike me,
I feel peace with the Father 
For those who are no less blind, cannot see...

Love... the hope he provides 
Embrace the glory he captures in you,
The story of loving the Father is the best pursuit. 

9th September 2020
Amen πŸ™πŸ½ 

Tuesday, 8 September 2020

Unnecessary Judgement

A term through judgement and distain
Common sense never pertained.
A chance to attack 
A chance to rapture a state
Often leading to unnecessary debate.

Watch a soap opera
That stuff is nonsense too.. 
People psychology believe the actor the character 
And not a thespian with a drive 
The result of the ending is fictitious, and isn’t an attempt to survive.

Judging these actions 
Just mere words of  actions  I truly believe 
Yet the element of truth in a programme can often be deceived.

It says on “Facebook” this 
And it says on “Twitter” that,
Powerful media disrupting each find  
Gossip is a horrid thing, leads to distorting the mind..  

Monday, 7 September 2020

You shouldn’t do this?..

What are enzymes, the breaker to release fuel...
No pancreas to release a insulin form 
No...I am NOT upset, nor am I torn.

You have to live with it
Injecting 5-6 times a day,
You manage a consistent written log
Have an opinion, unless the experience, please go for a jog....

Yet, this makes you a fighter 
And this makes you deal with your health truth,
Going on courses and constant reviews
Never give up hope, nor ever feel bemuse.

And there are the imposers 
The people that try to break you down,
The opposition couldn’t deal with what you have,
You are positive and real
And the harmony in the condition can make you turn medical steel.

I have faced my woes
My ups and my downs too,
People know more than you fool themselves in your fight,
God praise you, Diabetes (type 1) has it’s might and sight.

“To those who have a auto immune deficiency condition like type 1 diabetes” 
7th September 2020 

Challenges and seasons

There are times of struggles

And there are times of duress 

There is always time for God

There from which comes no underlying rest.

There is a test for Love

Through seasons which arrive, 

There are always moments when you pray, God keeps you momentously alive. 

There are times to be positive 

there is no time to ever to become negative,

Yet the Devil will attack

From those you love, his aim shall never ever slack. 

Yet if the Father is for you, 

Then he shall never deplore you,

Take that time to simply pray. 

His heart is forthcoming, you shall never sway. 

"God Bless you all for a beautiful week which lays ahead."


7th September 2020

Sunday, 6 September 2020

Light in the stars

Through the trauma of life
There are prayers to help you fight.
Totally free and they do feel good
I was once a cynic, now I definitely would.

I can’t keep away from a prayer
It keeps hope surrounded 
And the concept is there awaiting to be mounted.

There is no bitterness through these kind words
The essence of giving provides hope and joy
The kindness of the spirit we should all deploy.

And prayer
Embrace each day with a prayer to give each other hope
Sceptical believing, that’s only when you feel like deceiving.

Times of love
Times to move forward
Times to feel Gods presence in your heart
We never remove ourselves, from which God made from the start.

“Enjoy your Sunday” J
6th September 2020

Friday, 4 September 2020

Once you believe..

The belief is amazing 
The challenges won’t be that fazing,
The hope is in the Father of greats 
You will delve into a wonderful state..

You may not always understand the path you run
The Father in heaven is keeping you still
Then the hope shall make this surreal.

The light will shine 
The hope will be retained,
Nothing will stop you
Believe...  just believe, love is never stained.

The Father in heaven should be forever be assuring 
Time of hope 
Time to be retained 
Loving above will capture what you’ve attained.

4th September 2020


Monday, 31 August 2020

When he holds your heart

Stay with the Lord
The best thing you can do
Never look back
Forgiveness is inside of you.

Bold and prevalent 
Yes.. easier said than done
We all need the Father
The battle is virtually won.

Never lose Faith
Never lose hope,
We will be reminded of our sins
For the war Father has to wins.

Hope in kindness
Love in beautiful Faith,
Never look back for what the future hold,
You are beautiful from where the book has told.

Jason Andrews
30th August 2020

Sunday, 30 August 2020


Why do we have them?
Boundaries that is?
Are we scared of getting hurt
I prefer to have humbleness, and not overt.

I have faith in God
A far better place to go,
The devil shall constantly attack
That’s where I want to have Gods back.

 Boundaries are there when others want try to negate 
Pray to the heavens from what I state.

I want to keep praying
Even if it’s afar,
At least it’s relaxing the spirit of the mind
I have hope in the Father, that is hat is kind.

I care and love you
A place I do not want to be removed
Praise the heavens above to the Father
I prefer to arrive to that place which soothes.

Love and peace

We deserve happiness
All of us do
Yet the devils attacks 
A place you should never ensue.

Be at peace and love
For others, harder to do in a test
I love the Father in heaven, there should never be a test.

You are happy with Lord
Because it’s following a worthy faith,
No derogatory remarks 
For what I ever look to infest.

Thank you God for your love
Thank you especially when you bring others around 
My hope is in heaven and with Faith up high
I know when I cry to the Lord, it’s happiness I cry..

Saturday, 29 August 2020

My brother

Remember you listened to me when I was down
You are humbled in love and held my hand when you prevent me to drown.

You are my friend 
You are my bro 
You are humbled with love
That shall never ever throw..

You are beautiful 
You are humbled in light
You have the Father in heaven to back up your fight.

Brother you are my friend 
You were there when I thought there was no hope,
Thank my brilliant friend 
God is the highest power we should all depend. πŸ™πŸ½

When God receives an Angel

Sadness showing 
His presence glowing
A day that comes to past
A King forever last.

Lord he’s in heaven 
A place where he will duly rest,
In safe hands with the Father if peace
Family, friends loved by this superhero, in the least.

You believed in you
Gods love is received to ensue,
Holding out for hope with a classic movie
Gods Angel returning to the Kingdom, so truly.

Bye for now
We shall see your handsome face again,
Praise and strength for friends and family to hold
Always in Gods kingdom you shall be seen to be bold. 

“R.I.P. Chadwick Bose... Black Panther lives onπŸ™πŸ½“

Closer to the Father

Go to a place which lift’s you up
Have a run?
A humble prayer?
Closeness to the Father
I definitely prefer... rather.

I pray during my run
I prayer to get closer to the King,
Prayers of humility
That’s the story I bring.

Yes I have been broken 
Virtually destroyed, in fact..
People letting you burn and you have to fight to comeback 
Father believes in you, that’s why you shouldn’t lack.

I am strong now because the Father saved me when I was weak,
I cannot thank the Father enough
Especially on this spiritual journey that should never become bleak.

Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Calmness stills

The world as it stands, 
The tide, from the vigorous pace we have set,
Speed from programming behaviour 
Need to be abiding by our great Saviour.

There is always a time to react with speed,
Not this consistent speed of words 
Calmness needs to be humbly instilled 
The reason to reflect
Is where the Father humbly holds us together, and sets.

Praying is so important 
When belief is held inside,
We have all been fractured and tormented,
Through peer pressure withstanding 
Gods protection is forever landing. 

Love is hope
Love is action
Love should never be done with any fractions,
Yet if he is for us
Then who can be against us,
Praying is staying
Our Father who we love,  and forever we shall be obeying. πŸ™πŸ½

Tuesday, 25 August 2020

Hope never dies

Simply believe 
Hatred is the devils angle
From where he wants to deceive.

Simply love,
Praying for those who hurt you
Letting go of the pain
The most difficult emotion that you hold inside 
Praying to God removes that difficult ride.

The sky is their to look at
Why? We know there is hope which constantly surrounds,
Never refuse the Father in heaven 
Your prayers will be answered, as life shall never stop
The Father in Heaven is who you’ve begot.

Simply love 
Simply pray
Simply remove the anger languishing inside
Prayers for humility, that’s where I derive. πŸ™πŸ½

In God’s team

It’s the best place to reach Yes, there are trials and tribulations but there’s so much calmer place you when you get teached. There is a pl...