Monday, 23 November 2020

When love is questioned

To be fair 
We have all asked questions about this word.
All too nampy pampy..??
sternest is the way forward???
God is love and always towards us.

The love of hope 
The love which Gods constantly brings,
Each and everyone of us have capacity to show kindness
Deflect the negativity , that’s so mindless. 

The question is a good one to ask
I once never thought anyone cared,
There is The Father up there looking, loving and showing us the way,
Why is this? because your story is important for the Father to say.

Keep moving forward with his love 
Keep moving forward with his kindness, 
If you don’t think these things exists?
How can you expect to enjoy and encourage your life?
There is hope and there is joy 
Just accept this ‘L’ word that’s so real
Allow the Father in... the rest shall be surreal. x 

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