Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Christmas love

Festive times need to be laid,
We are humble in spirit
In a year which the tests have made us afraid.

People rejoice 
When no hugging took part,
The Father in heaven 
Is where we need to start.

The year has been a struggle 
As time has moved on,
The past with never be forgotten 
As we reached a place we long for Emmanuel, the begotten.

With Christmas looming closer each and every day
Praying for brothers and sisters, we are all should be as one
People holding hope 
People removing fear
The joy for our children to move forward with eternal hope and love
There is a period of festivities we each need to stay above.

“Merry Christmas love to all... earth and other solar systems” x x 

1 comment:


The world is fast But pride doesn’t last, Do not implode Do not exceed Simply focus on the bigger goal from where you stay still and feed. S...