Wednesday, 23 September 2020


We are one 
We follow a true faith,
Past is truth
But the details are deeper from what you see
Praising previous attacks, isn’t what you call free.

Movements of race
Ain’t we all meant to be One?
Yes they’ve been idiots through programme behaviour
None of this should be embraced or ever savoured.

Didn’t the lord want us to refute the devil?
Especially through his source where attacks against  each other rely?
Wasn’t the Lords calling us to be together, regardless of race, faith and refute the negative slay.

Love is victory
Not this attack where we then start to blame,
Education is required, and not only what you want to read
The Father in heaven is the comforter you Humbly need.

1 comment:

  1. We need to stay strong 💪🏼 as one
    The truth is love is the key
    And holding-hands in prayers will break out the way through the victory in jesus christ
    Thank you my love ♥️


To start

Remember God is awesome  God is also smart He is the first, the last and shall never depart. Remember, God us loving  God is there God is th...