Monday, 14 September 2020

The demands in health work

Hoping and praying for a adult, baby or child to pull through, 
Pray for those who truly care
Rather than a fly on the wall that you rather not bear.

A worker will pray 
Hoping that a client or patient is revived,
Mental health damage which vary case by case,
I’ve been there before, never believing in hope
Now stronger 
Thank you healthcare person, your work often challenging 
Trying to refute the cause by defending anymore damaging.

You do well
You truly do,
Trying your best when complex challenges are clearly there
Pray to the heavens, goodness is there to share.

Anxiety caused by others insistent demands, 
Remember this.. you are serving a great public cause 
Close your eyes, open them and then believe 
Doing a great job, that is what you do, now receive...🙏🏽

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