Saturday, 12 September 2020

At a time of change

We can only move forward 
When faith in the heart has been embraced,
Learning to move forward is an art to learn 
Never lose faith, the power way up high...
Loving the Father is a joy, never to say goodbye. 

Love is power
Prayer reaches the highest tower,
You will face challenges of sin
It’s the glory of God which he shall win.

The tears of anger caused from the past 
Many of us has endured, yet prayers won’t make them last.
Love of hope and love of joy
The pain removed through supreme faith 
God the power, he shall dismantle the devils wrath.

Enjoy this day
Enjoy your life with God and the peace,
No longer angry through past torments 
Praying for your enemy, removes resents.

“Love is far more detailed than the word itself”
Jason x 

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