Saturday, 26 September 2020

Remove yourself

Need peace 
Need love
The other situations should never exist..
If they do, then remove yourself from the mist.

Give me the Father any day of the week
And then be at peace with the highest of high,
So worth doing
Even when you are crying, the anger waves goodbye.

None of us are better than each other
We are worthy. through his humble soul
You may question the spiritual reason
If you go back, you be living an old season.

Rejoice and encourage others faith,
No better place to be 
As I rather avoid returning back to haste.


1 comment:

  1. No turning back when we chose him...
    We find that peace, love and calmness in him
    Thank you Amour ♥️



The world is fast But pride doesn’t last, Do not implode Do not exceed Simply focus on the bigger goal from where you stay still and feed. S...