Thursday, 10 December 2020

If you worry🤔

So worrying helps??? 😧
Or is that proaction that turns wrong into right?
People worrying all over the world;
If that energy is converted into some viewed
You shall enhance an element fluently imbued.

I see worry all the time
It’s a strain on others soul,
You can’t do anything, and nothing you say makes that person feel better..
Sit down and write, and put your thoughts onto a letter.

I release with poetry
God provides me with this gift;
Protection from others who do not know where to turn 
Humbleness of kindness; refutes you to receive a burn.

I love you, lover, sister, brother, friend, father and mother too
I pray for you each single day,
You have gifts which God relayed your way. 

I love you
I may or may not know you, but I am here
Loving the Father of true hope
With him you shall never need to hang onto a frayed rope.

“God bless you all” Jas x 🙏🏽❤️
10th December 2020

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