Thursday, 3 December 2020

Prayers for all..

When you pray.. you stay 
And then you move closer to hope 
Rather than be cynical in current state.. yes there is pain out there
But we need to look towards Gods humble fate?

It starts with Faith up high
A prayful message; never passes by,
Hold your hands together and simply pray
It’s that easy, negativity shall eventually go away.

The cosmo, the stars, the solar system and the moon...
The places on this earth, we stare at when life appears bleak,
There is a God in heaven 
Whenever you look.. and to seek.

With prayer comes love
With hope there is light,
I write these words for me as well as for you
Glory to the Highest power 
From humbleness we seek and refuse to scowler. 

“Felt low before writing this, I am blessed for the Father to provide me with this gift and hope.”🙏🏽❤️

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