Monday, 28 December 2020

Living with Diabetes (poem from a type 1 Diabetic)

Do you know what a hypo feels?
People trying to tell me how to manage my condition
Appreciate the free advice that’s for sure?
But having a hypo is a clear burden at anytime
They come unexpectedly and are healed with patience and time.

“It’s easy” that’s what plastic doctors say
Yet it’s the highs and lows you need to deal with at stressful times 
Patience, a good temperament, faith and guile
You’ll get out of these difficult situations which may take a while.

You need faith, Gods love and abundance of belief 
Keep moving forward and start to learn
Incorporate exercise with lots of prayers
Kindness to move forward as life shall always be there.

I pray for one day this condition to finally rid
But others thinking they understand the ‘feeling’ of this diabetes feeling 
May the heavens restore my hormone pancreas release  
No one can say they know the feeling of a low or high,
Not forgetting the calculation before the food is laid 
God bless you if you understand from this these simple words relayed.

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