Tuesday, 25 August 2020

Hope never dies

Simply believe 
Hatred is the devils angle
From where he wants to deceive.

Simply love,
Praying for those who hurt you
Letting go of the pain
The most difficult emotion that you hold inside 
Praying to God removes that difficult ride.

The sky is their to look at
Why? We know there is hope which constantly surrounds,
Never refuse the Father in heaven 
Your prayers will be answered, as life shall never stop
The Father in Heaven is who you’ve begot.

Simply love 
Simply pray
Simply remove the anger languishing inside
Prayers for humility, that’s where I derive. 🙏🏽

1 comment:

  1. Hope is everything in this hard time baby thank you so much for this amazing and beautiful poems to help us keep going... ❤️ ❤️



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