Friday, 14 August 2020

You are...

You are my love
You hold my sight,
You hold eternal beauty
When prayers delve in foresight. 

Love is my hope for us both
Prayers are perennial, and just so worthy 
Longing to stay hopeful and loving to is all
Never lose sight, you shall never ever fall.

No matter how we live 
No matter how we die,
As long there is faith in the Father to behold
You never will drown, or at all fold.

We believe 
We will never deceive, 
Here is my life and here is yours, 
Loving each other every single day
Prayers for one another, hope in the Father we need to stay. 

1 comment:

  1. Tu es ma force jas je t'aime
    A deux ✌🏾 rien ne nous empêchera
    Avec jésus christ
    Notre amour est dans le main 🤲🏾 de Dieu
    Notre seigneur
    Notre Rocher
    Notre rédempteur


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