Tuesday, 4 August 2020

Our hope our release

Good to question things you have done
Yet it’s the prayer to the Father means the devils has not won.

Glancing on social media, where information is not necessary true
Yet it’s posts like these, which come from prayers 
Are lightening to reflect, through the open stares.

There is a Father looking out for you each and every day
Positive thinking is essential 
And loving the Father is not just preferential.

Gossip and chit chat are frequent at these times,
Leading to words which are often misunderstood,
The hope from a  prayer means we do care
Do not talk about others... pointless, just appreciate he is always there.

We know it’s not a perfect world but this “he said she said marlarky... can be so challenging to others.” 
Jason Andrews
(C) Copyright 
4th August 2020


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