Sunday, 16 August 2020

Gods wonderful gem

Humbled and love, 
Debs, desire to meet the Father has always been here
Nothing better and nothing to fear.

There is strength in your heart
And there is strength through eternal joy,
The gifts of talents with prolific words
These are to be celebrated, understood and embraced
You are entering into Gods beautiful place.

These are words from the Father
He sings these words into of me to you,
You are gifted, talented and encouraging to the fore
May joyful bliss arrive your way
You have faith in the Father to have the final say.

Remember you are not only good, but great
You have talents to move the earth,
You are courageous, resilient with mercy and grace 
There are family and friends that celebrate this day
The blessing of this birthday shall come your way.

“Debs have an amazing day... love your brother like no other” x
23rd August 2020

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