Sunday, 9 August 2020

He is here

You can only TRULY love when God holds you within
His power of love enters the depth of the soul,
He never removes the programme of faith
Hence a bible passage ends with the words of “saith”.

The power of love is Gods to give
His love for you is like no other,
Passing it on with great hope and glee
You are entering into the passage of faith, you’ll be set free.

You can never leave his side when the Father is there
He is humbled with love and the path you can learn and embrace
The story from the Father is what you need to truly face.

No more self righteous minds 
No more anger which corrodes the soul,
He is the protector, the redeemer the champion for all to see 
So capture the belief, it’s so, so great 
Your mind shall enter into a glorifying state. ❤️


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. ... Amen God put love in u as an armor
    We strong because of his love, Notre rédempteur le seul qui est mort pour nous❤️🧡❤️
    Merci mon amour pour ce beau poème


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