Thursday, 29 October 2020

No longer teenagers

We are at this stage
A beautiful and humble page,
God has hit us together 
We are blessed and not through the never never.

May we stay with the Father
I would never lose my time with him,
He is the founder of hope and true love
The passage of his glory we shall never rise above. 

He is the start and the end 
He is the matchmaker we should always depend
We have faced similar passages we look to transcend.

God is hope 
God is light 
He is the reason we are balanced
And have everything insight. 

We are one 
No more and no less 
He has the final say when we are together 
Humility of kindness is the prayer to fend the stormy weather.

1 comment:

  1. My Adam you are my gift from heaven, God is really great Matchmaker he helped me to find you
    Whoshiping our God is everything I want to do with you My Amour Jason ♥️❤️


To start

Remember God is awesome  God is also smart He is the first, the last and shall never depart. Remember, God us loving  God is there God is th...