Tuesday, 6 December 2022

Today's Poetic Prayer

Bless you...
thank you sister
you are blessed on this day,
the power of God inside our hearts, is not too far away.

He is there for you
and looking towards your ultimate faith
there is a power so beautiful, where the devil shall face his own undeniable wrath.

you are blessed.
you are humbled in his bright wide eyes.

you shall have a great father protecting you and your husband,
he shall bring you ultimate joy
the beauty of the almighty is that his hands is on yours

and nothing else matters apart from the prayers that truly pours.

the day is bright with God's love
we all know it's a spirit we cannot leave,
as long as you remain humble, prayerful and within sight
God is humbling your spirit and preparing you for others to see his glistering light.


6th December 2022

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