Saturday, 24 December 2022

I thank you

You do not know what you’ve done
You are a creation from the three in one,
You can’t let me go, and neither can I
I refuse to buckle, but I also need to cry.

I am struggling with me 
I can’t let go,
The mist of the anger, doesn’t allow myself to flow.

I am struggling God, what else can I do?
I love you, despite how others change
No human on this planet, unless through the Father is generally deranged

I held you close 
You do not look back
I am waiting on you Lord to make me come through
“do you believe?” Perhaps you imbue?

I thank you for giving me strength for going to the gym
And the prowess to keep going, from where I look to whim.

You kicked me up the bum
Especially when I thought it was over,
Thank for for intervening when I lost, especially in a time of white clover.

24th December 2022

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