Saturday, 31 December 2022

Dear lord

Dear lord
Today I want peace,
I need comfortability where I sit
I no longer want to feel my head in bits.

I need your love Father
No chaos around,
I know why you have left me alone
Because you do not want me to frown.

I know you love me unconditionally 
And unequivocally I am trying my best,
Yet when the day concludes, you want me to say my prayers and rest.

I can’t expect people to understand from the eyes that I see through 
Where I need a Father in heaven, from which I ensue.

I thank you Father
You have brought me this gift which fills me with joy,
Every thinking moment, especially when I needed to calm down, just like once when I was a little boy.

31st December 2022

My want for calm

Debate can be healthy
As I do not proclaim to know it all,
I know I have you Father
The chaos has never stood well within, especially through a calorific wall.

We all need is peace
Some like debate more than others,
Perhaps it’s a clash of personalities 
The dynamics are not searching for a goal
Like I said before, peoples chaos don’t want it to be at all slow.

So I walk this path, it’s not yours to join
Yes, I love you, I always will
Yet this torment inside, agitation does not embrace, nor helps me chill.

It’s rainy outside 
It’s truly not calming down,
I am taking my time to relax, reflect go and go forth
The patience inside of myself I shall not retort.

“Needing a calm influence request poem”
31st December 2022

Goodbye….. 2022

Personally… I am pleased to see the back of 2022
Some may differ, but here are my reasons to.. you.

The end of an era, the death of our queen
We all thought she would live forever and see us out with a traditional speech,
Yet we said goodbye to her, for all those that she reached.

Anyway, no longer a gloomy poem
We have the sport which may pick us up,
Tyson stayed on top of the heavyweights crew
And Rocket Ronnie achieved a world equalling seventh world title to confirm he is the greatest to grace the baize,
As well for entertaining us with his gifts for 30 years, this wasn’t just a phase!

Messi achieved the ultimate feat
Winning an illustrious World Cup with Argentina, in a place so, so far
Actually the name of the country were the desserts of Qatar.

The world continued to talk politics, what’s new?
Hence my discussion around sport, where an end goal pursues.

So goodbye 2022, an anticipated farewell
What had 2023 has in-store? Let’s hope the economy strengthens, from there I shall pray tell.

“Goodbye 2022, we no longer have to stay in doors, I love our Father in heaven.. that’s not a chore.. I wish you well, I wish you peace and most of all I wish you health, which I pray with my heart truly released.”

31st December 2022

Friday, 30 December 2022

I have no time to speak ill of others

I know we all have a tendency to do this…
Speaking ill of others 
Or perhaps others speaking ill of us,
Perhaps they learn from our mistakes?
Or the hasten action taken, is the concept that cause a fake?

We do try our best
And at time we do try to become calm,
Especially if you live with a hidden disease 
Where others do not accommodate, which often looks to appease.

I pray to God for good will to all women and men
And to speak highly of others in a era of political anger,
And the cause of hope, from a misdemeanour clanger.

May love reign this wave of uncertainty
May giving be part of the bigger cause,
Do not hesitate and solely think of yourself, despite the need to occasionally do that
The love of humanity is always where it’s at.

30th December 2022

Thursday, 29 December 2022

Day you receive

Why blame!
I can, you can…
What service does it release.
God holds the answers
I am no longer the beast nor the chancer,

I am humbled
Yet I need you,
I can’t Obtain the question, nor the clue.

I am saying you, I am the answer 
The answer is right here,
Are you questioning me, or do you have something to fear?

I love you
Yes you
I want you to know that the question I digress 
Love you endlessly, as I manifest.

22nd December 2022

We haven’t started yet

Let me tell you
Your journey just hasn’t begin,
And we haven’t started for hearsay, or for simple fun.

We haven’t started
We will keep going,, we are not just children 
Wanting to keep showing.

We are brilliant
Remember that,.,
The fight is just the beginning 
You are learning a new start, that’s the thrilling.

You never stop
That’s God’s choice,
You are so brilliant 
And remember that’s the father’s voice.

29th December 2022

The God of Football

You are football
You brought us on a journey to see,
Or Am I blind?
Or is it the ball I cannot see.

man, you are brilliant 
Yes, we will miss you more…
Kicking the ball from behind to reach the goal
You are a brilliant champion, you take control of the soul.

Sorry you said goodbye
We won’t stop crying, with a sigh,
5-2, 3-1 and 4-1 as well
The World Cup finals, the stories you shall tell.

Revitalising America 
Enticing the days of Sweden
Ending the final in the Aztec stadium
You shall be missed my brilliant Brazilian Maracana compendium.

29th December 2022

Scared but I have God in reach

Scared but I have God in reach
I am no longer apprehensive, nor do I breach.

I need you. More than I ever have 
You brought me up a place which I was okay doing,
God loves you so much, we are now ensuing.

Please Father my soul is hurt
I am trying to concentrate, I am trying to start strong
I am a child of the utmost high
I am no longer drinking for the sake of it,
I want to recover, love you Father, like no other.

Despite being adults 
Yet children we often act when we disagree,
Your humbleness is kindred spirit, thank you Father I am starting to see.

29th December 2022


You know the meaning of the word
You know it’s purpose,
Yes, clouds looming on the soul
Sometimes you feel there’s nowhere else to go.

I know you shall provide me strength to pull through,
I’ll say my prayers and continue to imbue.

Sitting here and loving you so much
Your spirit is nothing compared to anyone’s touch.
Yes Lord, we need to take account 
Despite nothing we’ve done,
Forgiveness in yourself is second to none.

Love is yours to pass to us
You give us free will to accept, without any fuss
At least we know Father you are here
People thinking, picking on others because their lives aren’t great
This is the love of God, in his humble state.

29th December 2022

Wednesday, 28 December 2022


You can never turn away
You can never stop my actions,
Lord “I am all or nothing”, nothing to do with percentages or fractions.

I am tired lord
I do not know where to turn? Even if it’s around?
You give me a chance to recover, I have nothing else to offer, perhaps I’ll drown?

Hold me Lord
I am crying each and every day
Slightly agitated , and the world is even more anxious and that doesn’t stem the bay?

Lord I am training, my mind is concentrated and in the clouds,
Please take me to your him, the place of peace 
Thank you for nothing giving up on us, we accept the devil is the fallen beast.

28th December 2022

Tuesday, 27 December 2022

Stubborn ol’ git

You are quite feisty 
Always interrupts, especially when you presuming to forget,
Yet someone told me to write this note
Stop talking about others;or I’ll take you to Cyprus to requaint with the Cypriot goats.

You are a stubborn old git
But that’s one of your traits,
Keep on fighting and learning. That’s what you aspire
If you don’t understand any of these words? Well? Then go to the dictionary, which does not expire.

Remember , Your moan means you are fighting,
Despite unpleasant it’s to hear
And if you are asking who asked me to write this note?
Then it’s the man upstairs, so there.

This is a note to ask you to move and keep trying
Yes, we have all failed, but picked ourselves up and keep moving on.
And if you say to the other person they have done wrong, then look in the mirror, the reflection isn’t a song.

Remember, despite the dramas you like to exude
You have done well, so don’t stop… the journey preludes.

Love you, you old git
Despite what you think, there’s someone upstairs looking down on you from the stairs of heaven
You do humble on some occasions, yet it’s your artist sons that love you, that’s  10 times seven 😉.

“Ol’ git love you….”
Jason.. your boy
27th December 2022

I cannot go back

When God says here’s the door!
He doesn’t force you to go in,
He’s love is endless 
And his will is relaxed
But once you accept, you shan’t retract.

The troubles ahead shall rise
Yet God gives you the tools,
Believe, you don’t need to surmise.

The world is raucous 
More so than ever,
Organised thinking, yet prayer is the release 
A start of a new beginning, to say in the least.

The Devil is a cheat, a liar in fact
And he will remind, through our own faults of the past,
Remember, confess the sin within your heart
The love of God shall never lag, nor depart.

27th December 2022

Monday, 26 December 2022

That powerful loving….tear 🥲

You know me
And yes I know you,
You never let my hand go
My tears writing these words, and yes…here I flow.

I love you brother, sister, companion and beautiful friend 
My tears are real
The exceptional deal
You are humbled, and you are joyed
Forever in forgiveness, by the Father I am here… who is buoyed.

I never lost you
The father brings us back to that place where we first met,
My brother or sister in Christ, here I am…. Eyes welling up 😢
You are there, never giving us up,👊🏽

I come here in peace
And yes, I love you, my strong and sometimes gentle hand,
I am flourishing in these words, defiant we both hold strong and stand.

26th December 2022

You brought us together

You never gave up on us
Despite the words we say today and thereafter?
You love us unquestionably
Never ever giving up on us, from day to day
You look at us, despite our actions.
This is a beautiful God, who is better than our own fractions.

He can stop what is happening…
Yet he gives us free will
Stop my child, now just chill.

“I want you to see me” he says
“Grab me, because I know you can see me”
Thank you Father, I believe in you
There is an enormity in me, but you always defeat the Devil’s pursuit.

Nasty words often said
Evil doers, fighting us through the empathy we exude,
Thank you Father, you hold us with grace and mercy
A beautiful Child of is born,
A great saviour is deflecting any unwelcoming forlorn.

Thank you 
Always trying to keep us close to you,
The time we see the end, but cannot reach?
Please love God with all your heart and forgive yourself despite others acts
The humbleness is the perfection that often retracts.

26th December 2022

Sunday, 25 December 2022

I said to God this…

God you provide us with gifts
You are exceptional, now where is our lift.

You are phenomenal 
Actually you are better than that,
We all have desires, but that’s where it’s at.

In a world of bullies
People judging others out for their gain,
Then they think the person they are inflicting on, shall be moving on again.

I tell you this,
You are dealing with a child of God,
A child so humble, and yet strong,
Even though at that time they are done feeling they belong,

I know you are here 
I know you shan’t be far,
I know you are humble 
And you brought the son of the Father through a miracle star.

Here I am
Talk to me
Actually please do shout
This is where I ought to be.
You love me God and the world for those who are in it now
I pray to you everyday. I take this bow.

25th December 2022 

Jeremiah’s day

We love you
Remember that young man?
Your name means you are raise by the highest of high
You will be blessed, until you start that little moan or cry..

Yes, love belongs to you
There are people loving you more and more,
And there’s a spirit inside of you that shall forever sour.

A day also known as Stephen’s day
A patron saint of lost souls, 
Humbleness this time of year
We love you Jeremiah, one raised so high 
I am never happy when you waved your hand to me, to say goodbye.

Love is love
And you ooz it with the love of God, 
You are my humidifier, my friend, nephew and a great child from the chosen one, 
You are magnificent, plus some.


25th December 2022

Saturday, 24 December 2022

Merry Christmas My child

Remember you are blessed!
And when you read this message you are also tested
With a due to be manifested.

Merry Christmas my child,
Here I look to you,
Working away
More to your progress, and more to say do more, rather than less.

Remember I love you
Yes, you… indeed
You are planted and intercede.

This day belongs to a child called ”Emmanuel”
Great counsellor, God with us
We know he is our saviour we can all depend and indeed…

Merry Christmas everyone 
25th December 2022

I thank you

You do not know what you’ve done
You are a creation from the three in one,
You can’t let me go, and neither can I
I refuse to buckle, but I also need to cry.

I am struggling with me 
I can’t let go,
The mist of the anger, doesn’t allow myself to flow.

I am struggling God, what else can I do?
I love you, despite how others change
No human on this planet, unless through the Father is generally deranged

I held you close 
You do not look back
I am waiting on you Lord to make me come through
“do you believe?” Perhaps you imbue?

I thank you for giving me strength for going to the gym
And the prowess to keep going, from where I look to whim.

You kicked me up the bum
Especially when I thought it was over,
Thank for for intervening when I lost, especially in a time of white clover.

24th December 2022

Waiting patiently

So Hi God… I am here
Free will and patience instilled,
I love you so much, the joy of life is filled.

You gave me hope through your kind strong working,
I am here waiting patiently.. I promise I am not lurking?

You have given me hope 
Yes you Father.. you!
I wanted to destroy that fella the other day
but your patience was also my fuel, from where I can also stay. 

I love you God
You know I do,
I know I make mistakes along the way
As long I know you are waiting patiently here, I have the best Father we all choose to endear.

24th December 2022

Friday, 23 December 2022

I sat in the corner

What are they?
We are looking for hope
You shan’t ever stray.

I just sat on the corner of my room
What place do I want to turn?
I need to follow God’s advice, not that place to eventually burn.

I held your hand 
Do not be scared for what awaits,
You are my humidifier, and my humble state.

I love you more
But you do not know this for now,
If I feel a tear drop, then do not say that for now.

23rd December 2022

Never forget to believe..

During the storm 
Never forget,
You don’t know what’s instore
The noise unflappable, I realise there’s more.

I hate life right now
Why? It’s not because I hate you,
I am lost in the mud, where can I be due?

I am fighting a fight
I am picking on others
I am trying to be at peace my sisters and brothers.

One more verse, what else can I write?
I only need God, through you, and not through a fight.

I remain humble and  avoid politics strain
As long I stay at peace with God, then there shall be no other stain.

23rd December 2022

You must believe in you

You will fight
But you are right, this thing is real in the head
Mental health is a struggle 
Not a cloud just a heavy piece of led.

Surround yourself with calm people
Not people anxious all the time,
Learn to meditate for long periods and tell yourself you are “great”
The love of God isn’t just a word we aerate.

Love God first and speak to him each day
The advice of others, be guarded as their haste may lead you to astray.

Stay with God first 
And keep him near with a beautiful prayer,
The aspect we fall into that trap,  can cause a nightmare.

Not saying we are all bad 
The heart of God speaks through to man,
As long as you believe in the Father, he will defeat the mental damage which currently stands.

23rd December 2022

Thursday, 22 December 2022

God throw’s love

If you leave me 
Then you won’t believe me.
I said I love your heart
Forever honouring, forever living apart.

I yelled the power of your reign 
And the beauty defined, and constant sustain.

I love you
Yes you
The place you deserve 
As well as the primal time for which you serve,

I know you love me
Many occasion you think I do not deserve,
You are my emulsifyer,  my delivering kind 
I have no one else to look not to find,

Jason 22th December 2022

You know me

You definitely know me
You know I cannot see.
But I want all these things.
“Ok, son.. where’s the pray you fling?”

I need you God
Yes you do…. that’s what I  want to say.
Why am I crying right now?
Ok, do you prefer i go away?

I never left you
I want to hold you close,
Why aren’t you looking after our children?
Yes I am. I am hoping they face the test from which I profess.

I know you are working hard
Not at all, I need your love,
As long I hold you next to me
I have the Father besides us, from where we should ought to see.

22nd December 2022

God never leaves you alone

Whatever the question
Whatever the answer
People will reach out to care 
learning through the Father is something we all need to share.

Learning to move forward
Look towards another year,
Are you going to stay positive, when others try to make you worse
You are a child of God, never forget that drive..
Supporting others when they ask, is the honest vibe.

Here is my hand 
Here is my soul,
Pushing through the struggles put in your head
Twisting and changing there minds to confuse you instead.

Don’t lose the focus you have
The skills, the tenacity and the guile inspire,
Remember, you are a child of God
A child brought to this earth to show love, kindness, prayer and encourage
Yet the child of God in you shall be nourished.

21st December 2022

Wednesday, 21 December 2022

When the path moves

Can I explain to you God?
I need you right here,
I need your presence 
I need your guidance, and hope which I can stare.

Don’t let go of my hand 
You are my guide and loving father,
You are my ultimate humidified 
You have never been my ultimate divide.

I love you 
I have said that to you before,
You are my leap, you are my galore.

Just say “I love you”
these three words are strong,
If you think they are weak, then you need the father to tell you that you belong.

21st December 2022


Never away

I feel I betrayed you God
Yet you keep holding my hand,
I am now broken,
Calling God shouldn’t hurt
I am healing in his presence, where I shan’t be burnt.

You are never alone
I want you more than I can say,
Lord my healer, father and everything 
Making sure this depression lifts and that I can continue to sing.

Hold everything together, it isn’t solved by man
Pacing around looking to please,
Say your prayers first, from there you shan’t cease.

I love you
You heard me “I love you”,
Never forget those words 
Yes, deep… a place you don’t want to touch
Yet there is a Father who wants you do, so much.

21st December 2022

Tuesday, 20 December 2022


You question? what takes you to a low place?
Perhaps a manager tries it on?
Making a dance out of it…. Rather than a song
More drama than anticipated?
But the result is utterly emancipated.

Don’t try it on God’s child
He is more powerful once restored,
You have taken them to a place which is hardcore.

Go on?
Try it devil….if you want?
My fists are bigger than yours?
Yet it’s prayer that I shall say, which is galore.

We are one in spirit
One in Christ alone,
If it’s brokenness you seek approval from? then a fight you shall get on the throne.
I may be repairing from this anguish, yet my power is to reset
Yet it’s the Father I love.. the one I have true faith to set.

“Praise the Lord…. Love wins all the time”
20th December 2022

You’ll get there

Don’t scare God’s children
They shall comeback everso strong,
“I am so scared God”
Why is this life so cruel,
“I am here child, you shall overcome this duel.”

I am hurting 
The mind is foggy and I cannot see,
I need the Father to sort out the devil
The blind faith in you shall eventually be.

I am sad, and others don’t care
The non-empathetic person, will continue to dare.
I want to fight them, hit them hard with an enforcing pain,
Leave this battle with me child, you shan’t never go insane.

Take your time 
Leave this day to recover with me,
You are my child, you I love you so much I shall defeat the Devil’s attempt, you shall again be free.

20th December 2022

Monday, 19 December 2022

Not sure

What’s that saying 
“That’s the problem”
Or “I do not know”
Good loves us, he has the final answer to show.

Believe in faith
Yes, Believe in you,
Not going back to that dark place
The light is waiting to ensue.

Not sure where to turn?
Do I care anymore?
God has the answers to move me 
He has the love to make us be.

I love you
Yes, you, you and you,
You make me feel great
Once this pain is removed, there shall be no more hate.

19th December 2022

A season of forgiveness

A season we need to endure
Hating? Does it solve?
The father ensures and the devil dissolves.

I love you father
Don’t let go of my hand?
I have said my prayers today, you’ll the only one that can make me stand.

I am tired
Needing to rest,
My head is full of a cloud
I rather stay somber, rather than continuously aloud.

I need to rest
I love you God, when I pray you are there
The devil is promiscuous, as the acts I shall not care.

19th December 2022

Fighting the fight

Go on!
Knock me down?
I am the child of the ultimate king 
Here is the wrath the father shall bring.

I am tired 
Brain slightly fraught,
You have hurt me, yet the Father has prepared me to be taught.

Do not be scared
There is nothing to be afraid 
I brought your frail Dad to comfort you
And your crushing hug unharmfully stayed.

You are my child
And so is the person who has cause you harm,
Wasn’t it in the book of Matthew to pray for your enemies for you shall pull through?
The book of life is humble surge… I’ll be believe in you.

19th December 2022

Sunday, 18 December 2022

Fight or flight

I want you God
Someone special to hold,
I am trying my best, yet there is something missing to bebold.

I am trying my best
I too have diabetes to manage,
Where on Earth can I get through this?
I am a humble servant, not wanting to miss.

I am doing my best
But prayers are what I need,
I need you close to me God, I rather not recede.

I am trying hard
No holds barred,
I love you with ultimate faith 
Yet the devil is devious with fickle wrath.

I hold it together,
I’ll keep fighting until the very end,
You believe in me Father
Can I hold your hand please
From a place that I rather appease.

18th December 2022

You will pull through

I pray to God
Why do we face these battles?
You’ll be alright child, my hand will protect… not rattle.

That person was wrong
Saying the words “my word against yours”
How dare you? God has this situation to hand, I can only deplore.

These days energy is high
No one wants any calm,
Others are around you
God has a time for us to face no harm.

Our pride can be a weapon against us
What for? A minor win?
Especially at a time when parents act like children, where children’s parents need to guard
Show love to the world without the encouragement of sin
The Father is the only one who shall be victorious 
And destroy the Devil’s aim to become notorious.

18th December 2022

Saturday, 17 December 2022

I can’t continue the way it was….

I didn’t exude.

What was I benefitting from denying a friend 
God brought me here,
from there I transcend.

Yes, I am crying 
I cannot stop,
I am so perplexed and unknowing 
I pray to you Lord, you are clearly showing.

I made a gross mistake
I was rude, despite others ways,
Yes my tears are pouring out to remove the pain
Yes, I am struggling a little but there shall be a glance of a stain.

The muscles to break a giants bones
But my words can crush my soul,
God has given me this almighty lift
My tears are there, never stop pouring 
My hand and my heart loves you, this arrogance needs to stop storing.

17th December 2022 

Thinking of you and me?

A cup of tea?
Are you talking to me?
Yes, I am making a start!
Yes, dear, I suppose that would include stopping those awful farts?

So I suppose you don’t want to talk to me?
Why would I want to do that?
I prefer a hug and that cup of tea 
I suppose over these years, you have been you, and I of course have been me.

You know I love you?
I know you do,
Oh Shut up you old queen, I m not too far away
Yes, we have had our disagreements, but I rather you stay safe and not stray.

Building bridges, isn’t that we suppose to do?
I love to love, but you do cause me to fall into the unknown
I have your hand near me, and yes, I like you will always have grown.

17th December 2022

We will get there… together

Do not cry
Actually let it all out
I know you are in pain inside
Love to God’s child shall always survive.

I am holding your hand, trust me I am
You are never far from danger, none of us are
You travel a thousand miles, sometimes that’s not that  far.?

Remember I love you
More than words can say,
I am crying profusely, but with the heart of God, nothing stands in your way.

Love will triumph overcome hate
Nothing else can win,
Hold my hand gently, the devil is a liar and you shall overcome his sin.

“I love you”
Message of today
17th December 2022

Friday, 16 December 2022

It starts

A daily fight 
The brain crumbled out of the blue,
Please don’t hurt yourself, these words are for you.

Ignore vexatious souls
You do not belong on their walk,
They are not genuine, or true from the words they say
God shall protect you
Hold me, they shall go away.

These words provide a hold
A place you shall enter that little more bold.

Please accept this care 
Go for a walk, run or simply put a step in-front
I love you enormously, this is perfectly blunt.

16th December 2022

Thursday, 15 December 2022

A magical day

A beautiful day
Yes your milestone held,
You are a child of God
The one who shall not be felled
A humble servant of the lord
An angel of full accord. 

You are loved
You are trying and do make it work,
A realist 
A humanitarian 
A birthday wish to you, a great friend of mine
Be cherished and consume what becomes sublime.

Thank you my friend
For always showing care,
The father in heaven loves you
Remember that my birthday sister, the one who needs no further clues.

“Happy birthday Jennifer, god bless you”
15th December 2022

Never alone

Struggles amidst 
Journey anew,
Praise to the king
Seasons we look to ensue.

Love is king
God has the final say,
Harm one of his children, I dare you, my mind is to stay.

My tears poured out
Don’t worry, there is a Father who you can turn towards
The perennial hope, and shall never forlorn.

I provide you a hug
We will all be fine,
I love you my friend
God has our back 
You will be rejuvenated, and you shall never slack.

15th December 2022

A day at a time (poem about mental health)

Yes you are right, it’s in the head…
But your head is a physical  organ, without it you can easily fled.

You go to the gym
The brain pounding more than you can take,
This has been contributed from others, God shan’t forsake.

I am broken, but I shall restore
Please God I know you love me,
And I know you love your children, as there is nothing above thee.

I am okay 
I know you rebuild us through this mental redeem,
I know you are protecting me, 
And perfecting the warrior you want to see.

The march is there
.and for you to embrace, despite the mental fatigue loomed with a cloud 
I am a child of God, there I shall not shroud.

15th December 2022

Wednesday, 14 December 2022

I love you mum… I love you dad

I love you mum… I love you dad
I am going to bed now to get some rest,
Not sure what todays brings but as long as you see my smile,
I’ve loved you wholeheartedly, it doesn’t take a while.

Sorry for the self opinions I bring to the fore
I am scared to live sometimes,
Yes… I am feeling a little sore.

I want to make you see me 
But I’ve always been alone,
Yes, you have your opinions, as I know I am definitely not a clone.

I am brought here by the father you question most
Yet he has provided me with this gift, here is a little toast.

We haven’t seen eye to eye
And sorry for the aggressive way I speak,
I just want you to remember, I live in ‘your’ home as I no longer feel weak.

“I love you mum and dad…”
15th December 2022

First steps…..

It starts with a step
And throw in a sprinkle of self love,
It starts with hope
A place I rather elope.

Beaten and a tad bruised,
People worse off, I know that..
Do not finish the grief feeling inside
Others making you feel worse, I am not here for that ride.

Need to look after you,
It has always started with you,
Please look at God, the Father you’ve always needed
Heavens above… interceded.

Love the people in your sight
At this moment in time you may not see,
Yet when you look to the almighty Father, one thing for certain, you shall be.

14th December 2022

Wanting those to listen

Pop!!! It was said
“My word against yours”
I started to feel my brain just bled.

It bloody hurt
Yet God repairs
He is constantly working through you 
The eyes of the mists t which cooks in a stew .

I shouted, “you don’t listen”
“Complimenting this that and the other”
Ain’t I here! You are a bully, the components in the  brain is now smeared like in a jam jar.

I am hurt
I am burnt
But I am also a child of the highest king
Thank you lord, from the breath I awake in.

14th December 2022

Tuesday, 13 December 2022

The tide of emotion

I suppose you look to God
He is your ultimate rest
Never you shall fall
He holds you when your mind is crashing 
As all you want to do is trashing.

I need the father’s love
When others cannot hold,
Trying you best
Through agitated gym sessions 
This is life, sometimes this is part of the procession.

Holding your hand 
Crying like no other,
I really need you God, 
I received an attack which I am struggling to contain
Hold me together as I cannot refrain.

The emotion is strong
The delicacy is weak,
I need you JESUS
You are my only hope
Prayers are frequent, with a bible study attached
Please overcome this cloud looming as I just want this feeling to detached.

14th December 2022

God??? Hold my hand

Father, where’s your hand?
I need it right now
rather than face a contraband.

I am struggling 
Especially with my head,
I have gone to the gym, I still find it hard to rest.

I am tired 
I do need a avid rest,
God where is your hand?
Where I know you are the almighty best.

I am tired 
I feel a tad weak,
If you hold me close, I know you are meek.

Here is my hand 
I do love you child,
As long as you stay humble, you shall no longer become wild.

13th December 2022

When you shout

When you shout
“Please God take this away”
You are the final answer and you have the final say…

I love you Lord
I am crying inside,
Hurting, punched and bruised 
You are the almighty protector, you will never refuse.

I love you Lord
I am shouting out your name,
You are a humble Father, I feel delicate and a tad tame.

Please help me
I know you will,
This heavy cloud on my head
Is definitely the real deal.

13th December 2022

I am resting

Mental health
Nothing to be ashamed
“Man up” what does that mean?
You ready for the fight, but at the moment you cannot become seen..

Yes you are tired
But at least you went for a walk,
Perhaps get a agitated sweat 
I need the Father now, who besets.

I am tired
Exceptionally low.
I love who I love in Christ
As I learn to move with that flow.

A person broke me
But they will need to answer to God,
Despite them being a child of the almighty too
I now need a rest, no further clues.

13th December 2022

Monday, 12 December 2022

I cannot sleep

A heavy pressure now put on my head
Yesterday I cried
I am pleased I did
This mental fatigue I rather rid.

I try to do my best 
I am now resting 
I am not going back
Otherwise I will be infesting.

I can’t sleep
I rather go to the gym,
Should I with my agitation
Or rest through procrastination.

I am going to sleep
It shan’t be the last nap,
Those who did this, need to believe the lord shall have the final wrap.

13th December 2022

Love…. the essence of music

Love the choice you can look towards
Love is the essence that moves you through a Hurd .

You can fight 
You can soothe,
Love is the musical power
And the one you look to empower..

Love is God’s music 
God is the ultimate love,
Can you move to  loving
Or divine a hope that is never budging.

Nudging towards hope
A perennial joy,
Lord I love you so much 
Music is the soul we shall all hear and rejoice.

Remember I love you 
I never lost that touch,
The feeling of emotion
Defeats politics, anger and hurt
Music has never lost its love, actually it has regain
Pray for  me as I look towards the love of music to sustain.

12th December 2022

The toughest fight you’ll face

Knocked down 
And again
Who is my opponent?
The person who wants you to go on the offence,

You fight 
You punch and punch some more,
The devil is in the mystery, you shan’t feel anymore sore.

The pain is in the mind
Something hard to dig into, or find.

God will protect
Only if you pray,
I love lord, please don’t ever go away.

“How I am feeling”
12th December 2022


So important to acknowledge when you are ‘up and down’
God is always there, you try not to frown.

People not liking others, especially people who dislike peoples happiness
Why on earth do we conflict with each other? and making others hapless.

Talk, talk and more talking
I am scared not knowing how to reach out,
Making things work, when jaded and fraught
Aren’t we meant to support each other, especially through what the bible taught.

I am scared
Actually petrified,
Feeling very low and I haven’t lied.

Help me God
Dear Lord I pray,
Love is unconditional, from where my head is, I shall lay.

12th December 2022

Sunday, 11 December 2022

I have no time

I have no time to speak ill of others
Even if they cause emotional injury to you and me, my other sisters and brothers.

Facing a battle
This and that, and that tittle tattle.

Negative words relayed 
I am trying not to be sad nor delayed.

I love you God
You’ll pull me out,
I need faith in you, I know you know what it’s all about.

We try
We lurk
We over think and try not go berserk.

I love you 
That’s all I can say
Get rid of this cloud, as I know you father, you shall me to stay.

11th December 2022


Bullying. Those people often deny
Dangerous feelings
I stopped….and then started to cry.

I had an Angel who held my shoulders
As I felt their care,
This world isn’t about me anymore as I know I shall always. remain there.

I am scared
The bully denies what they have done,
I am burnt inside, feeling worthless, jaded and tired
I am now worried as intervention required is to avoid anything to subside.

I am old but feel young inside
I am trying in God’s walk of life,
Humbleness is held in the hearts for those who try
Thank you lord for bringing me angels, especially through this difficulties which tide.

11th December 2022

Saturday, 10 December 2022

Finding yourself

Struggle with you
Peace and mind you pursue.

I don’t like the world as it stands
Happiness has never been part of a contraband.

Advanced love is where it’s at
Not complicated, just where it’s sat.

The more you say
The deeper the text,
Compliments amongst, which are never complex.

10th December 2022

Friday, 9 December 2022

God’s on your side

Life is a struggle
We all know this,
You look to be around positive people
Others I rather pray afar, and humble in the steeple. 

Never feel alone 
Do not let anyone dismiss the grace you are provided,
It’s the only way forward, as the Father has always abided.

The road is long
And humility derives from God’s heart,
A spiritual passage shall be reached
God’s love is what we each need to teach.

Never alone
Remember that, regardless if negative words head your way
There is a Father who gazes at you and keeps an eye on thee
The essence of the Father is goodness from the heart and never frowned upon as goodness shall restart.

9th December 2022


Thursday, 8 December 2022

Time for you

To look to help
So,e places it’s not good enough,
You then feel “what’s the point?”
Selfish people do not anoint.

Your confidence slowly saps 
You wonder “why bother? It won’t be good enough for them”
At least a piece of gratitude shouldn’t go astray
At least my faith in God has a place to stay.

I need to rest
Reflect the next steps I need to take,
I am scared, but then what’s the point of that?
I am not apprehensive, there’s no quality the Father sees in me that I do not lack.

Peace is what I need
Not to over think,
Nor do I need to drink excessively, there’s no point in that?
Rest is what I need, from this next stage that I combat.

9th December 2022

Christmas present gratefulness

Thank you in Jesus beautiful name
Humbled by your gift 
As these words are kindness which appreciatively lay.

May you and your family have a rested time
Loved by the father heaven, from these words that I prayerfully rhyme.

Stay humble in God
And Thank you for making me laugh,
Humbled by the blessings I feel
As it’s been an honour serving you through this interesting surreal.

May you have a blessed rest of this year
You have nothing to worry about, as Christ is right here
Humbleness and gratitude passed your way
Blessings, hope and grace welcome you and your family on this merry Christmas sway.

“Thanks Ann for the lovely gift”
8th December 2022

Wednesday, 7 December 2022

Words to your heart

Words to your heart
Never that far even at the start.

I want to reach out
A cry for help,
Keeping the brain alive
Others hitting your spirit, not sure if you can survive.

I can end it all here right now…
People saying “you’ll be ok, don’t worry”
Comforting words to hold 
You want to get to that place where you are refreshed and not overly bold.

My words speak to you
I am crying tor balance,
It’s cold’s outside, but I attack, exercising profusely 
As long as you pray to God, you know you are doing right
He is your guide and perennial hope to win your own personal fight.

8th December 2022

Tuesday, 6 December 2022

Praying in the cold

Warm yourself, don’t sit down 
Otherwise you procrastinate and your face will sigh a frown.

Look towards God
Don’t get upset,
There is a humbleness arriving , he is aiming for you to reset.

Think I am rude?
I suppose your perception is no business of mine,
I have a loving father to connect with, I am ready to refine.

Hurt is temporary 
Anger riles the soul,
At least you prayed for forgiveness, and the kindness the shows does grow.

7th December 2022

If you are angry

You pray to God each and every day
He has your mercy, grace to keep you here for a duration 
It’s his call with the love of illumination..

People will lie
And people will say they do, when they do not 
There is a hope to look towards, reflective what you see
Stay alive in God’s heart,  in what you see as free.

Passive aggressive people 
Shall try to make you feel bad,
They are cowards and hide behind a letter
They think they are helping you out, but not at all making the situation better.

In a world of imbalance 
where negative has become others drive,
Needing gossip to interest their life
I rather pray afar, I rather not have that strife.

6th December 2022

Today's Poetic Prayer

Bless you...
thank you sister
you are blessed on this day,
the power of God inside our hearts, is not too far away.

He is there for you
and looking towards your ultimate faith
there is a power so beautiful, where the devil shall face his own undeniable wrath.

you are blessed.
you are humbled in his bright wide eyes.

you shall have a great father protecting you and your husband,
he shall bring you ultimate joy
the beauty of the almighty is that his hands is on yours

and nothing else matters apart from the prayers that truly pours.

the day is bright with God's love
we all know it's a spirit we cannot leave,
as long as you remain humble, prayerful and within sight
God is humbling your spirit and preparing you for others to see his glistering light.


6th December 2022

Monday, 5 December 2022

Wanting to talk

Those who surround you
Are perhaps not ideal to have a chat,
Especially where you need a line towards a talk with God
And a glimmer of hope, with an approving nod.

Your face is about to well
Sadness hits the face,
You know what’s wrong
But you are told not to cry,
Well, let’s be honest.. it does start with a sigh.

Hurting, painful and then the tears start to fall
You know there is a release waiting to erupt
Rather that, than wanting to be abrupt.

Tiredness hits
Love stays in the heart,
This means you have feelings, a hunger restored and Denys the devil stealing.

6th December 2022 

I cried and cried and there he was

I cried and cried and there was he
I wanted my life back,
But it belong to he.

What do I mean?
I mean, the creator of it all
The spirit that found me and refused me to fall.

I love you father, you are my first and last,
I miss you profusely, you are my ultimate task.

You hold my shoulders when I am sad
You hold me tighter when I am especially go mad,
You get me true feeling
And my ultimate believing.

5th December 2022

My gratitude ❤️

You saved my life 
Yes, you at this very moment in time.
Struggling to stay light-minded
At the moment I feel a little blinded. 

Life is for living but others do try to put in a stop
Negative words when you are feeling weak,
They think they are being kind and considerate, but all they are doing is making you become meek.

You saved me
I was scared to hold strong,
This is a time in my life I need to fight the fight
All my passion and all of my love 
I refuse a mother figure during this time I felt scared 
I am on the peripheral, stay strong and stay flared.

Be strong 
Do what you need to do,
Be kind to God when you are feeling blind 
Thank you my friend, I am no longer bind.

5th December 2022

Need to snap out

The word hits the veins,
Blessings from God, removes my stains.

The triggers hit
Life has hit hard,
It’s alright when it’s good,
But facing the brokenness is not where you should.

I am scared 
But it will be okay,
Feeling a lull, it’s that time of year
My words are hard to readdress as I need to remove Tanya detests.

Why am I struggling?
Why am I in that place?
Why can’t see clarity here?
Need the father, he’ll remove the fear.

5th December 2022

Sunday, 4 December 2022

A daily prayer embrace

We start the week with challenges ahead
Some we are aware of,
Others looking to an unexpected strain
In the father, we all have hope to constrain.

We leave negative people 
We need to leave negative lives,
Doesn’t mean we do not care
They simply can’t see no solution, just a moan I rather not have shared.

I embrace you father
You give us free will to rejoice,
Expectant to be with the Father in heaven, from there we have a chance to voice.

I love you lord
Through my struggles and constraints,
I endear the journey you put me on, 
you make me feel loved despite if others see me doing wrong.

You put me right when fault comes into my path
You don’t distill me, you make me grow
Yes, I do break, but restoring is what we need to show.

“have a blessed week all”
5th December 2022

So what

So what?
What are you going to do? Change me?
I am already hurt
I am already burnt
The important thing, is that I’ve already learnt.

I am trying
I suppose we all are?
Others thinking they are helping 
Where ultimately. we are yelping.

Others perfections has no answer 
Others needs will try to enter onto yours,
I desire God inside
From there I feel adored.

So what!
What’s are you going to do?
Leave me helpless, from there l ensue.

You left your mark
And I shall leave you with mine
I am humbled in God’s love, from there I am divine.

So what?
What are you suppose to do?
Humble in my presence
No, that presence I feel from God.. never undue.

4th December 2022

Saturday, 3 December 2022

In a world…..

In a world full of drama
And where’s there’s no calmer,
Arguments and debate around,
God is my solace for which I’ve humbly found.

Face the good
And notice the bad,
Ignore those who say ‘that’s the problem’ and there’s no answer for which they attain
Others regression could make anyone go insane.

Go to the gym
You’ll become positive from that effort you’ve exert,
A lesson of humility is something I rather not revert.

We live in audacious times
Humbleness needs to take over, negativity has never been kind.
So when others don’t come up with a solution, I look to ignore and pray for their soul
Stay humbled, the Father is the person I prefer for myself to show.

3rd December 2022  

Friday, 2 December 2022

When I say amen

The greatest word there is 
Amen to our father, beautified…but not amid.

The word is light
And the poetry comes from the word,
Loving my brothers and sisters so much, there is nothing I crave more than being heard.

We do struggle, going forward and march
I may flounder and do not patch.

Yet when I pray and say the words “amen”
There is a love from the the ultimate high
Do not worry,  nor you need to cry.

My love is there
Despite the struggle,
I strain with trust
But through the Father, there is a level of a must.

2nd December 2022

Thursday, 1 December 2022

Friday’s blessings

Friday has arrived
Bless the lord, 
I remain humble in spirited chord.

It’s about all of ‘us’
Not always harping on about the past
Need to move forward, others shall be able to last.

God is always present 
We are upset, especially when  we don’t get our own way, 
The blessings are humbly powerful and have an element of leeway.

That Friday feeling arrives
Thank the lord you are still alive,
Go to a sanctum to humble your presence 
His way is yah way… which is beautifully decadent.

2nd December 2022


I am cool
I am not judging?
Or trying to be smart?
I am actually trying to stay calm,  and chill
Humbleness is my goal and my drill.

I try to do my best 
I try to elevate when I need,
I try to stay blessed, especially when others pray
I try to be hopeful and humbly portray.

Life is God’s will 
He is your ultimate defier 
As well as your hope and human pacifier.

Prayers are the key
They do set you free,
Love is God’s aim
The power of love should never be taken for granted 
He’s hope for each and everyone of us shall never be departed.

1st December 2022

See the light… not speed

Thank you Lord for light we see
Can’t be doing with the speed, and the urgency
It shows a temperamental lack, 
It’s unsteady and not very insightful 
Blessings from the father is the one, that I see as delightful.

Calmness is required
Not this need for speed,
I acknowledge love from God, from which I rather read.

I held your hand
When other’s patience wasn’t there,
The Father showed you love, when others did not care.

I love you child
That is what a prayer from the Father will show,
I love the sign of hope it will show inside
And humbleness elevates, and where it shall not subside.

“God knows what you are going through before you know”
1st December 2022

Diabetes stigma

Perhaps it’s because I am sensitive Perhaps it’s because I am outspoken and in-tuned, Perhaps the hypos are getting on top  and others ask q...