Tuesday, 3 January 2023

Traits for different seasons

You think you can help?
Perhaps you can by possessing a listening ear,
Then you look at the circumstance and that can lead to fear.

Remember, gives you common gifts for a purpose
Pray and use them to the Father’s highest command,
There is a direction in the spirit, he will take you there 
Their will be tears flowing, the Father’s son was broken and then  through the spirit awoken.

There are good days you can grab
There are weaker days you rather nab,
Remember, there are moments which you can arise 
I go to the gym each day, that’s my dedication, which once I did surmise.

Remember, we are human
We have flaws, perfection,  cuts, bruises, rude words which lead you to be fickle
Just start your day with a prayer, you will feel much stronger and not brittle.

3rd December 2023

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