Sunday, 22 January 2023

Birthday Inspiration

Today’s your day
Through the country fields surround,
You are humbled and loved 
And definitely have kept your feet on the ground.

Happy birthday 
And a champion for all who knew you,
And whereby, swimming prowess is second to none 
A great friend, from there I have many a pool or tennis games for fun.

My prayers land in your home 
And like many great people, there is an angel which doesn’t leave you alone.

A great person 
I am honoured to have in my life,
To add, a caring soul for whom I know is genuine, kind and wanting to support
You are like many great teachers like the great Greek mythological stories you have taught.

So I end it on this?
Have a great day
My brilliant Hammer friend through and through,
You are a great example to many of us, as I thank you my brother… Matthew. πŸ˜‰

“A Legend… Matthew Southgate πŸ™πŸ½πŸ˜‰”
22nd January 2023

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