Sunday, 15 January 2023

God is showing you all the time

There is a passage you so,e times face and do not expect
Others, even guardians are far from the truth and do not detect.

We all try to be the best person we can
Others a bit neurotic and can pass that negatory onto you,
It’s quite difficult to deflect sometimes, that’s why prayer is there to use.

Try not to feel down, and if you do please go and pray….
God won’t ever leaves you, that’s why he is the first and very last to stay.

You can deny him
But free will is there to use too,
It’s a shame you don’t accept the mighty spirit, he is there at your beck and call 
Never lose faith in you and him first, 
That’s a journey which can last for so long
The Father protects you, if you accept that nothing can go wrong.

15th January 2023

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