Sunday, 15 January 2023

Someone is changing there tune πŸ™πŸ½

Someone changing their tune
They don’t believe in God, but the words said are heaven driven,
Their is hope 
There shall be a light
There is hope for those who were negative, let there’s a chance God will lead them to the spiritual fight.

It’s hard to see a guardian whose childish antics riled your soul,
Yet they say a few words to calm your spirit,
God’s working inside them, and shall bring you along with it.

The Father sometimes does things straight forward, and sometimes he does not
It’s a question, others do not get, read the greatest love story, which we can get at copy of…

Referring to the big book, the Bible… the reference of guidance and love
Humbleness, grace, mercy,  brokenness and joy 
Where we look towards you Father, we receive the best conversation we can get involved
Our brokenness is restored and end result….solved.

15th January 2023

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