Monday, 16 January 2023

Remember…. I love you

Remember, I love you
Yes I’ve written poems in the past,
Sometimes we are faced with conflicting decisions, but it’s God who nullifies any nonsense to last.

God I love you
And I know you love me and all your children too,
I won’t stop fighting because I know you’ve got this 
People in life I can be difficult towards, and have dismissed.

How dare I act in such a way!
I need your forgiveness Father, I promise I shan’t stray.

You seen me punched, bitten and bruised
But you have given me the guile to avoid myself becoming confused.

We are trying Father 
I know you are there,
I won’t look anymore because you are the reason I believe 
Thank you, thank you and thank you…, despite our position you always makes us aware that we receive.

16th January 2023

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