Thursday, 19 January 2023

A prayer for the world….

Let’s face it?
We all need prayer,
Dispute it or otherwise?
There’s a inner spirit to take us there.

Where exactly, you may ask?
Blinded through your faith.
Yet we see the outcome, through a miracle we unable to break.

God is there 
Loving you, praying for the time his son returns,
Crucified on the cross and paying for our transgressions for what we have concurred.

Let’s all pray, please don’t be scared?
For those who are familiar with this, please release, 
support your brother or sister to overcome the devil, in the least?

We love
We pray
We rejoice and then again stay.

Do not be upset,
These are positive words, where we are righteously saved,
You are no longer a slave to past acts, from this moment forward you will start to be brave.

19th January 2023

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