Friday, 20 January 2023

Healthy heart and prayerful soul

We lead by example by following God
His love for you cannot be succeeded by anyone else,
He cab bring great fears into your life,
Some times struggle and sometimes rife. 

You pray and run
It’s God that brings out your best,
And even if you are facing a season of challenge, the holly spirit brings out your zest.

Train and eat healthy 
You are a imperfect example, slowly moulded into something great,
It’s his belief in you, you acknowledge and hold very close
What can you do without him? Show your aggression in its utmost?

Personally praying is the way
It drives you direction to stay,
Yes, we need food and shelter to survive
Yet it’s free flowing prayers which turns a morbid position into feeling alive.

20th January 2023


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