Thursday, 19 January 2023

Champion of our own condition (Poem for type 1s with diabetes)

Hello there
There is always challenges to face, that’s life
Then you have this type 1 condition which we all struggle to see,
We pray to God for this auto immune condition to simply not to be..

Then you have stress heads around…
They are not so good to be near, 
It’s God who has your back, then that siphon fella won’t always rip through your fear.

You are strong in hope
You are strong despite others evil spite,
There is a God in heaven who can make it alright.

We are that good, speaking about us who have that auto-immune strain,
We calm our pulses down, and learn to sustain.

It’s a full time job
This condition I truly deplore,
And there are others who think they can live with it, I am not at all sure?πŸ€”

“Speaking like a boss.. with diabetes (type 1)”
19th January 2023

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