Saturday, 21 January 2023

You are loved *Cherryce Birthday poem)

A time for reflection?
A time to follow God,
And as this time enters to your direction
Birthday greetings Cherryce we are humbled with perfection..

May God shine his light on you always 
May he protect you without a seconds thought,
A reminder; you are a dear child of God, these are a few words which he has brought.

It only takes a second to lift a spirit
And a lifetime to question it again,
Remember you are loved by friends, family and most importantly the Father,
A place most cherished, through the joy which is increased 
The heavens are there to love you… to say in delightful release.

A child of God
You are undeniably that,
Immerse this day with blessings and love
Enchanted with words of joy, and places you shall reach,
This is just the beginning, the Father has loved you more than anyone can teach.

“Happy birthday Cherryce love from Debs, Julianna, George and Jeremiah and me… x ”

22nd January 2023

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