Monday, 16 January 2023

Chipping away

Some call the ‘cowards’,
Others call them covert narcissist 
Others call them bullies who want to fully control
It’s all of the above which makes the others damaged and slow.

Allow me to explain
They are fickle foes,
Blind yo the truth, never explain a answer fully 
And they do it will unnecessary speed
And try to make the other internally bleed.

Actually they are cowards
And the fact they say “they are not”
It’s a blessing we pray for them, as the Father up high hasn’t forgot.

These words are true
Not far from the Devil’s soul,
Pray, and leave it in God’s hands, he will have this under control.

“For the bullies out there, don’t mess with a child of God, regardless of the outcome.”
16th January 2023

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