Friday, 20 January 2023

My Nan

Times when you are low
And times when you are high,
I loves this lady and that shall continue until  God says my spirit elevates myself to the sky.

You see,
Loving God, she did,
She loved her grandchild, children, cousins and friends,
God is her child, the kindness that she showed 
She hasn’t been here for almost 30 years now
And those who loved her so much 
Can feel her warmth and her touch.

She knew people that grew apart 
All the people for which she cared,
Never a day goes by 
When a tear from heaven leaves our eyes.

When I vulnerable or, perhaps tender and weak
I know she has my strength waiting for me,
She was my rock
She was my sun
Actually now thinking about it, those heavenly traits never left her soul?
She was my anchor and the loving Nan which I was once humbled to have known.

“Miss you Yiayia….”
21st January 2023

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