Sunday, 22 January 2023

We’ve gotcha

If you are sad?
Speak to God,
When you are happy?
Speak to God,
When you speak fondly of others
You have spoken with God, and why?
Because you are blessed and you want to try.

When you are struggling?
Speak to God
When you are unsure?
Speak to God,
So as I pray for you today 
All shall be okay,
Simply pray to God
That’s the place to spare the rod.

When you are elated?
Thank God,
When you are blessed?
Thank God.
The day is bright or even if it rains,
Thank you Lord for restoring my brain.

When you win?
Thank you God
When you receive the blessings within?
Thank you God.
I pray for each and every soul,
And thank the Lord for this day to glow
Thank you Lord, as I am blessed
Thanking you for putting me through nothing less.

22nd January 2023

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