Sunday, 7 March 2021

A day to share *birthday poem to me 🀣

12th March.1973
Born in St Thomas hospital,
A poetic genius 
Well.... that is what others say
Heaven  now open to the Father
That’s where I want to continue to stay.

Spiritual guidance is what I crave 
Loving my brothers and sisters where encouragement is instilled,
Look to these words 
Gods heart inside of me emptied and then refilled.

I pray for hope
And I pray for love,
Often ostracised because of my Faith,
Yet I know the Father loves me
That’s the direction I pledge and state.

My tears are filled with hope when I pray
People love me
Others perhaps not sure 🀣
Yet gregarious and flowing for what I am,
I say this to those I want to celebrate these words with kindness and hope
Here today and perhaps not the next
Love the spirit of the Father, the devil’s spirit is not strong enough to defeat this Christian martyr. 

“Happy birthday to me... xxxx J❤️πŸ™πŸ½❤️ x“ 

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