Friday, 26 March 2021


Believe it
Receive it 
Listen to your prayers 
Stop pontificating, or you’ll just continue to stare.

Isn’t it about self worth
And you want to help others first?
Listen and meditate your time with God
Looking forward and avoiding to remain still
Be comfortable in your peace, from there you shall find a spiritual fill.

Your are worthy
You are humbled through Gods grace,
It isn’t about intelligence, it’s about your time with hope 
Because it’s about moving forward and staying still
God inside of you, you soon feel surreal.

Hold on
You are doing great,
Believe in you, because it’s the ultimate surrounding us all
Bringing hope, mercy and reflective peace
Stop, pray and bring hope to yourself, you deserve that in the very least.

“For a cousin that needs a hug right.. now xx”
26th March 2021

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