Saturday, 20 March 2021

The thing with peace

The thing with peace 
You need it to retain harmony,
Having Faith with our God brings that to you
Yes, there are fights in the spiritual welfare we ensue.

Peace is great 
Peace is reminding us of past and future joys,
Never lose sight of God 
He is always there, his timing is the final nod.

Peace is hard to find when chaos is everyone’s friend 
Bracing the path 
His spiritual wake
There is humility through God
Others have no other stake.

The peace is what we look for;
Especially inside when you let the Father in, 
Encapsulating the positive news of the ‘Word’
Is like looking outside in, from what we preach
As long you focus on the Father, the Good news is what we look to teach. 

“Peace with writing and being harmonious”
20th March 2021


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