Friday, 5 March 2021

Good days and bad πŸ™πŸ½❤️

We encounter a journey 
All varied on this challenged earth,
People that care
Some lack that trait
Humility dying, that’s not my kind of fate.

Peace is what we are looking for
Yet it’s Gods work that remains undone,
The death on the cross 
The King died for our sins
Yet the victory belongs to God in a precedented win.

Days will be challenging 
Days will become great
Days of somber defeat
Yet it’s the merciful Father we want to meet.

Your bad day will turn the corner
Believe, it’s the only way  to get out of that feud
There are Angels protecting you, from there you shall imbue.

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The world is full of differences With shapes, sizes, colours and cultures Aren’t we to embrace? and not act like vultures. Treat as you want...