Sunday, 14 March 2021

Greatest battle within you

Regardless what others say
You will be okay,
The fight is yours, not theirs 
You will seek the right support 
Negativity will not flare.

You are great
You are kind,
Tell you something a righteous person will say
Actually not, it’s not their perception to stay.

Once you are comfortable in you
It will come from the greatest battle faced,
You are a True child of God, from there you shall reach your place.

Initially you start this journey with ultimate hope and dreams,
Knock downs will arrive but you will survive
The goodness in you, regardless what others mention,
You are a perfect in the eyes of the Lord
From that, at least, there you are adored.

“Believe in you, the Father does... xx simple message x”
14th March 2021

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The world is full of differences With shapes, sizes, colours and cultures Aren’t we to embrace? and not act like vultures. Treat as you want...