Monday, 29 March 2021

Praying - The ultimate hope 🙏🏽

When I go to Church I sing to my hearts content,
Praying and worshiping to a higher power
Brings hope, joy and fun
Springs now here, how about some sun? 

If you are a pessimist 
Then what do you expect? 
Struggling with yourself, when all you need is faith?
Then allow the spirit in, and detach any wrath.

So the question is why not?
Scared people will judge because you are moving towards the Father?
I tell you what? It’s a better place than arguing with another soul, the initial is what I rather.
I prefer to encourage, especially when toxic words are said 
I pray for you, as the next time we speak the progress of Faith is where I prefer to be led.

Don’t we have enough to struggle with these days?
People judging, turning one against another..,
No one should ever be apart
I end this poem on this note, 
God is always available to pray and pour his love
If I said wrong, a sorry won’t come from my mouth
I’ll just pray for you, one day you’ll understand 
There is hope in the spirit that’s where he would prefer to hold your hand.

Happy Monday
J x 
29th March 2021

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