Sunday, 28 March 2021

Wrong into right

In a world where debate is a sport
And loving isn’t so much taught,
I agree, don’t be too soft, or you’ll soon flop over
And that you won’t  be able to get yourself up from the sofa.

Get closer to God
Get closer to his strength.. which merges
You are that humble when held close... therefore deserving of freedom, at the most.

Be at peace with niceties 
Challenges will still present 
Avoid anger at all costs
Show the loving Father who is strong
A place of humility and integrity, how could you go at all wrong...???

Determination and strength does not need to be filled with anger, 
I’ve been to that place and it’s a dangerous place to be,
Yet it’s through strength in prayer is where my heart needs to be set free.

Jason x❤️πŸ™πŸ½
28th March 2021 

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