Tuesday, 16 March 2021

Diabetes prayer ❤️😘

I woke up one day 
Realised I had this thing,
This condition called diabetes 
Injecting and release from a syringe.

This was the making of me
I have learnt so much,
Methodical and taking your time
Balance of a condition is something you refine.

It’s a condition like no other
It’s not a defeated object, just a challenge, 
Calculating, learning and balancing traits 
An under lying condition and a mental harmony of state.

Exercise, writing, thinking and learning about life
An added condition, which connects you closer to God
Humility, divinity, hope and glory
I may have this cursed condition, yet at least I am telling this story.

Jason ❤️πŸ™πŸ½ Peace and love
16th March 2021


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