Sunday, 21 March 2021

The gaze from others

People with a gripe
People who simple don’t get you,
Yet it’s their judgement because of their lack of within
Is deflected by God as he ushers your new kin.

I personally dislike it...
It’s fraught...
And has no place,
I refute the Devil’s attack 
You shan’t lose the Father who has your spiritual back.

I am praying for those who dislike me
Broken and released to God’s humble mercy,
Treat others like you be treated yourself 
Believe in higher power, yes... your spiritual health.

Refute the attack
Others looking at you in raw judgement that attempts to taught
It’s their inability to understand your ability 
Which this been brought.

Pray to the Father
Each moment of the day, he won’t say no
Glory to his belief in you, that’s where I want to go.

“There’s a person in my life who conceived me and does not understand me. It pains, yet God brings hope to my heart. Thank you Lord ❤️πŸ™πŸ½“  
21st March 2021

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The world is full of differences With shapes, sizes, colours and cultures Aren’t we to embrace? and not act like vultures. Treat as you want...