Tuesday, 30 March 2021

It’s your job to like you....

If you lack empathy
Work on it...
Others with a struggle in their mind
Is a need to  help to lead to hope 
If you are being cruel to be kind 
Then leave that person alone 
Gods place is what they need to find.

Quality of skill
If you think a person is full of themselves
Then clearly you know what makes then thrill.

In a world which lacks patience
But there is hope to capture this trait 
It one day May save somebody 
A goodness that leads to a outcome of fate.

Peace with you inside 
Peace with God to move forward, 
We can all be over powering when someone is low,
Remember it’s not always about you, it’s about ‘us’
Spiritual guidance is a opening where we can all trust .

“If low, look to positive support.. not those who inability to understand your needs”

30th March 2021 

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