Monday, 22 March 2021

Welcome home brother. Coming home

Hey, have a blessed life
you are good soul,
Look to God
He has your back 
The eyes that sees your soul shan’t ever lack.

Bless you my brother 
You are ferociously kind,
Yes m, none of us are perfect 
But through prayer you shall find.

I love to care
And I do for you, 
You have friendship in your brothers here
The careers you find next won’t delve and any fear.

Be kind to you 
We all deserve that in life,
Peace and gregarious decisions are no different from each other,
They both have risks attached and can make you question, 
Yet the tables will work in your favour in strong confession.

“Nick you are a diamond. Bless you brother πŸ™πŸ½❤️ J”

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