Friday, 12 March 2021

Fruits of labour ❤️

You live life with hope;
You put in the hard work and sometimes reap the rewards,
The hardest battle is when you aim towards..

Yet falling is part of the realm
How do we learn if failure isn’t there,
Do you become pensive 
From the dreams to look to bare?

God is your cornerstone 
He is your shining light that holds your hand, 
Protecting you in times of woe and frets
Be still with The Father who shall capture in what you shall beset.

There is happiness in loving a higher power
That anger, yes that thing you release at the gym!!
As long as you confess he is Lord and our saviour 
Which comes from the fruits of your labour...🙏🏽❤️

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Higher power

Believe it or not The higher power truly does exist, Especially when you can’t comprehend, the heart of God doesn’t dismiss. Say your prayer...